Rainha regente Ỷ Lan - Parte 1/2 (em Aulacês)    Parte 1

The modern folk opera “Queen Regent Ỷ Lan” is a tale about a Second Queen who was both virtuous and talented, under King Lý Thánh Tông’s dynasty in the 11th century. The life of Second Queen Ỷ Lan is a shining example of a national matriarch. Beauty may fade with time, but the good deeds that benefit the country and its citizens will be recorded in history and leave a profound impression for many generations to come.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the modern folk opera “Queen Regent Ỷ Lan” by playwrights Tào Mạt and Thanh Cao. This opera will be aired in 2 episodes, with the performance of Tài Linh as Ỷ Lan, Thanh Hằng as Queen Thượng Dương, Thoại Mỹ as Thị Lộc, Kim Tử Long as King Lý Thánh Tông, Linh Tâm as Lý Đạo Thành, Khánh Châu as Lý Thường Hiến, Minh Châu as Dương Văn Bảo, Bửu Truyện as Clown Eunuch, Út Bạch Lan as The Elder, Thúy Quyên as Thị Trinh, Ngọc Nga as Thị Phương,Linh Thanh asThe Student, Thanh Nam as Mouse, Hoàng Ấn as Cat, Kim Phương as Countryside Maiden, Công Tân as Farmer, and other artists.

“Queen Regent Ỷ Lan” was recorded many years ago; hence the audio-visual quality is not as perfect as the original. Thank you for your understanding and please accept our sincere apologies.


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