Cantores da Paz do Afeganistão Wajiha & Farid Rastagar com a filha Hadia (em dari)   

Greetings music-loving viewers and welcome to today’s episode of Enlightening Entertainment here on Supreme Master Television. We are pleased to introduce a leading musical family from Afghanistan: the greatly talented duo Farid and Wajiha Rastagar and their charming and likewise very gifted teenage daughter,.Hadia Farid Rastagar is a musician from the Panjsher region of Afghanistan
who composes and sings his own music. The loving attention to detail that he brings
to his arrangements has also been enjoyed in the background music of films.
Educated in Kabul, Farid Rastagar was involved in music since childhood and formally began his musical career with Guli Surkh (Red Rose),
a music band that he helped found in the 1980s. Guli Surkh went on to become highly well known in Afghanistan and throughout central Asia. Farid Rastagar was then joined in his musical endeavors by his lovely wife Wajiha. Together, while living in Germany, they have performed for international music festivals and held concert tours all over the world in over 30 countries.


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