Goulash da Ching Hai - 06 de março de 2009   
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½ vegan ham
1 cup soy texture protein
2 zucchini
2 cups of diced pumpkin
½ red bell pepper
½ green bell pepper
6 cooking spoons all purpose flour
Maggi (optional)
2-3 tablespoons paprika
2 litres filtered water
½ tablespoon salt
2-3 tablespoons ground black pepper
1-2 tablespoons coriander seed powder
Mushroom seasoning (optional)
2-3 tablespoons sticky rice flour (optional: cornstarch or wheat flour)

  1. Wash and rinse the soy protein. Set aside.
  2. Dice the ham. Set aside. Do not mix together with the vegetables.
  3. Put 2 liters of water in a pot and let it boil.
  4. Meanwhile, dice all the vegetables (not too chunky) - Zucchinis, Pumpkin, Red and Green Bell Peppers. If you do not have Red/Green Bell Peppers, you may use Yellow Bell Peppers as well.
    (Tips: Green peppers deepened the soup. If you do not have green bell pepper or feel that the soup is not deepened enough, you may add some apple juice, apple or pear.)
  5. Once water is boiled, put all vegetables in the pot and cook.
  6. Add half a tablespoon of salt in the pot.
  7. Next, prepare some dumplings to go with the soup - Put 6 cooking spoons of All purpose / Plain/ Country Bread Flour in a bowl, mix enough water to the flour to form a dough. You may use a spoon to mix them.
    (Tips: Wear a mask if you are allergic to dust of flour. Avoid direct breathing in the flour.)
  8. Once the dough is formed, you may use your hand, chopsticks or a small teaspoon, nip a little chunk of dough (or any shape you prefer - like 1-2 cm size/half a flat teaspoon), and drop it into the boiling soup. Repeat till you use up all the dough. You may add some hot soup into the dough bowl so that the remaining dough sticking on the bowl maybe wash out and be added to the soup.
    (Tips: Dip the spoons/chopsticks in the hot water with the dough, the dough will drop out of it immediately)
  9. Add some Maggi Seasoning Soy Sauce into the soup if desired.
  10. Add 1 tablespoon of Paprika into the soup. You may add more if you prefer the color of the soup to be redder.
    (Tips: Hungarian Paprika is best. If not available, any sweet paprika will be fine)
  11. Add more salt if desired.
  12. Add onion if you desired but not necessary.
  13. Add 2 tablespoons of coriander seeds powder.
  14. Add in the diced vegan ham and textured soy protein.
  15. Add 2 tablespoons of Ground Black pepper (You may add more if desired).
  16. Add a little mushroom seasonings if desired.
  17. To thicken the soup (if you prefer), mix 3 tablespoons of cornstarch/rice flour/wheat flour with filtered water well till liquid batter is smooth. Add it into the soup.
    Continue cooking the soup for a total of 20 – 30mins. Longer if you prefer the vegetables to be tender and the soup is deeper in taste. You may shorten the time if you like the vegetables to be crunchier.
  18. Once the soup is boiled, simmer for a while and serve.
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