Ananda Marga: Com o espírito de amor e serviço a todos os irmãos - Parte 1/2    Parte 1
Parte 1
Parte 2

Welcome, friendly viewers, to Our Noble Lineage on Supreme Master Television.
On today’s show, the first of a two-part series, we will explore the compassionate and selfless philosophy of the Ananda Marga organization.

It is officially known as Ananda Marga Pracharaka Samgha and was founded by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti in Jamalpur, Bihar, India in 1955.

Dada Shubhacintananda (m): “Ananda” means bliss, and “marga” means the path. Anada Marga is the path, and any human being moves in this path, he enjoys immense happiness, he enjoys the bliss of the Supreme.

HOST: Ananda Marga is both a spiritual and social movement. Its adherents strive for unity with the Universal Consciousness, while at the same time, doing their part for societal balance. We’ll be traveling to Korea, Formosa (Taiwan), and the United States to hear from some of Ananda Marga’s international members, including: Dada Shubhacintananda from India; Didi A’nanda Rashmika’ from the Netherlands; and Mike Harris from San Jose, California, USA.

Dada Shubhacintananda(m): This meditation was started in the land of India, 7,000 years, by what we call in India Lord Shiva. And this was revived by Krishna second time 3,500 years before.

To learn more about Ananda Marga,please visit

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