Feliz Dia das Bruxas Vegano: sanduíches "eu grito" veganos      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
1 cup organic powered sugar
1 tablespoon Ener-G egg replacer
2 teaspoons water
6 tablespoons organic flour
1 tablespoon vegan cream cheese
1 tablespoon coconut milk
2 tablespoon vegan butter
2 tablespoon organic cocoa powder
A pinch of sea salt
½ teaspoon vanilla extract

2 ounces vegan chocolate, melted
8 pieces your favorite vegan candy
Vegetable oil
cooking spray

Parchment paper
2 stencils (one circle – 2¾ inches in diameter, and one semi-circle 4½ inches in diameter).
1 pint your favorite
vegan ice cream

Direction (to make cookie batter):
1. Add egg-replacer and water to sugar
2. Use electric beater for 30 seconds to mix (and keep beating off and on during adding each ingredient)
3. Add cream cheese and coconut milk
4. Add half of flour, then butter, then add the rest of flour
5. Add cocoa powder, salt and vanilla

Direction (to prepare tho cookies):
1. Put parchment paper coated by cooking spray over baking pan
2. Put the circle stencil on it and use spatula to spread some cookie batter, make 4 pieces
3. Put the semi-circle stencil on the pan and spread some cookie batter, make 2 pieces
4. Cook into oven at 400o F (205o C) for 6-8 minutes
(Next process needs the cookies to be soft enough to be formed, so do it quickly!)
5. Remove paper from all the cookies
6. Fold each semi-circle to form a cone shape by making the middle of its straight edge as the center point of folding, and then stick both edges together
7. Dip the cone form into chocolate and put on top of a circle cookie, thus together form a hat
8. Take a candy, have a little dab of chocolate on the hat and put the candy on it
9. Spread a layer of chocolate over another circle cookie
10. Put a slice of ice cream on it then put the hat on top
11. Put into freezer until ready to serve

File NO: 1140
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