Gurdwara Bangla Sahib de Nova Délhi, Índia (em Punjabi)   

Originating with Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the beginning of the 16th century, Sikhism is considered to be a relatively young religion in India. Succeeding Guru Nanak, nine other gurus kept the lineage of Sikhism alive until Guru Gobin Singh, the last living humanGuru,announced the Eternal Shabad Guru in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, also known as the holy book of Sikhism.

Sikhs follow a simple, sincere way of life, which includes adopting a pure vegetarian diet, praying and serving others. From early sunrise to nightfall, Gurdwaras, the temple of Sikh, are open for devotees to come for worshipping to the Almighty God as well as to serve and help others.

In the very heart of New Delhi, India, a vast and marvel building that once belonged to Raja Jai Singh, an India ruler of that time, now stands stately Gurdwara Bangla Sahib, in memory of Guru Har Krishan Ji, the eighth guru of the Sikhs.

Every day, more than 7,000 visitors from all over the country and even overseas come to Gurdwara Bangla Sahib. People believe that through coming to this gurdwara, one’s sincere prayers can be fulfilled. The entire complex of this holy place is instantly recognizable with its outstanding sculpted architecture.

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