A catedral de Nidaros em Trondheim, Noruega (em Norueguês)   

Welcome, loving viewers, to The World Around Us.
Today, we will visit the largest medieval cathedral in Northern Europe, the Nidarosdomen Cathedral
in Norway. In the western part of the Scandinavian penninsula, the Nidaros Cathedral elegantly stands as Norway’s national sanctuary in the charming, picturesque city of Tromdheim.
The spectacular cathedral was built in memorial of Norway’s patron saint, Olaf the Holy, who lived from 995 to 1030. Today, it is still the most popular pilgrimage site in northern Europe, welcoming over 400,000 visitors from around the world annually.

(In Norwegian)
Priest (f): I believe that people in Trondheim are very proud of the Nidaros Cathedral.
Some goes inside it to use it or to participate, while others only look at it from the outside and see that it’s a part of the city. I think that we are proud of it because it’s a part of the Norwegian identity,
and the identity of the members in the native church.

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