Мир животных

The Ci Yin Yuan Dogs’ Home, A Place of Love (In Chinese)
Jataka Tales – Animals of Merit
Shining World Compassion: Caring for Canines - Amanda Arrington Unlinks the Chain
Skipper and Khali-Maa - Canines to the Rescue
Hop to Safety:Protecting Aussie Roos
Enchantment on Mingchih Lake: Tunes for Queen Swan (In Chinese)
I've Come to Help You:Animal Companions' Telepathic Messages with Simonne Lee
"The Southern Right Whales of Argentina" - A Documentary (In Spanish)
Caring for Our Animal Companions:Fun Vegan Fare
Betrayal of Human's Best Friend
Ocean Defenders Alliance: Protecting the Waters and Its Inhabitants - P1/2
Viva! Documentary - Sentenced to Death
A Voice for Animals:DefensAnimal.Org (In Spanish)
Protecting the Endangered Orangutans of Indonesia (In Indonesian)
Dr. Eisenhart von Loeper - An Advocate for the Animals (In German)
International Sites