«Две картофелины» - духовная драма (китайский)   
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Greetings and welcome! It is truly a blessing to have an enlightened Master accompany us on our spiritual path. But how does an enlightened Master train his disciples to grow in wisdom? During a lecture given in Brazil in 1989, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared a story that sheds light on this topic.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: There is one Master. He's very perfect, the greatest one. One day he told one of his disciples to take two potatoes and go and eat them.
He emphasized again and again that the disciple must eat two potatoes all of it together.
So the disciple took two potatoes from the Master's hand and then went to the stream, sat down and began to eat. So he sat there and ate, one potato already, and then he began to peel the second potato.

Then came a beggar, very hungry, nearly dying. Says, "Please give me that potato because you have eaten one and I have nothing for many days. I would die if you don't give me this potato."

So, now what you do? You surrender to your Master or you surrender to compassion?

HOST: So, what happened next? Let’s find out through this dramatic adaptation of the story as told by Supreme Master Ching Hai. “Two Potatoes” was performed by our Association members and friends of our Association, from Formosa (Taiwan).

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