A Gift of Love: Simple &Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai 1. Aulacese Sour Soup,2. Vegan Ham & White Eggplant   
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Rau củ diếp (Cichorium endivia – Common name: Endive)
Filtered water
2 lemons (or lime)
Soya sprouts
Lady’s finger (okra)
Chili (optional)
Firm tofu (200-380 grams)
1-2 Tbsp vegetable broth powder
2-3 Tbsp apple juice
2-4 Tbsp vinegar
½ tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
Soy sauce
Maggi sauce
White eggplant & Vegan ham
White eggplant
Vegan ham
Soya paste or stir-fry sauce
Soy sauce
Lemon juice

Aulacese (Vietnamese) Sour Soup
  1. Wash all the vegetables in salty water.
  2. Cut away the lady’s fingers and then halve it for easy bite.
  3. Boil some water and put all the ingredients in. First the tofu and then the lady’s finger.
  4. Add in 1-2 tablespoon of vegetable powder, half a teacup of apple juice.
  5. Cut some chili pepper into couple of pieces and then put it in the boiling water.
  6. Squeeze some lemon juice in it.
  7. Add in about 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Taste it. The sourness is depends on personal’s taste. The soup should be sour enough.
  8. Add in some salt according to taste.
  9. Add in some Maggi just for a nicer taste.
  10. Take away any bubbles that come out on top of the soup.
  11. For a deeper taste, add in 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  12. Cut half the tomatoes, and put them in.
  13. Add in a little bit of soya sprout, if any.
  14. Add in the herbs.
  15. Taste it, and then the soup is ready.

Vegan Ham & White Eggplant
  1. Wash all the vegetables in salty water.
  2. Slice the vegan ham and then warm it up in microwave or just steam it for a while.
  3. Squeeze some lemon on each of the ham slices and then put some soya sauce on top. The ham is ready to eat.
  4. Take the white eggplant and just eat it with very simple soya paste or stir-fry sauce. Just dip it in the sauce.
  5. Serve it with the sour soup.

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