Джейсон Мартелл: потерянные знания с Небес - ч1 из 2   
Часть 1
Часть 2

Amiable viewers, welcome to this week’s edition of Science and Spirituality,
the first in a two-part series. The origins, lifestyle and knowledge of early civilizations can be understood through the amazing artifacts that have been unearthed in various parts of the world, which suggest that ancient humans knew much more than just the use of simple stone tools. Many legends speak of a time when gods, goddesses, giants and visitors from the heavens walked the Earth. Jason Martell, from Los Angeles, USA, has spent the last 15 years researching this topic through written records, artifacts and other materials showing evidence of humankind's activities in the distant past. Mr. Martell is one of the world’s leading researchers and lecturers on ancient but seemingly advanced technologies, as well as early civilizations’ interactions with beings or extraterrestrials
said to have descended from the skies. He is the author of “Ancient Alien Artifacts: Visual History of Ancient Astronaut Research” and “Knowledge Apocalypse: Ancient Astronauts & The Search for Planet X.” In addition, Mr. Martell has appeared on TV channels such as Discovery, Sci-Fi and the History Channel.

Jason Martell(m):
A lot of the artwork going back thousands of years to petroglyphs, various carvings, wall reliefs, depict beings coming down from the heavens and interacting with ancient man.
Now modern academia looks at these and says it’s mythology, it’s man’s way of trying to understand his place in the universe. But it seems like ancient man went to great lengths to convey a lot of this information by showing wall reliefs, drawings and depictions of certain events where beings were coming down from the heavens, usually on some type of craft. The Sumerians, modern-day Iraq
6,000 years ago, Mesopotamia, Babylon, the original civilization there Sumer, has a lot of interesting similarities with our modern Bible. The stories of Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, (and) giants upon the Earth, all of this information is told in Sumerian epics that are recorded in stone
and are still unchanged to this day. So I think that ancient man went to great lengths to convey a lot of the sacred information that today we struggle to understand as mythology.
That word, “mythology,” is interesting. The Greek word comes from “mythos,” and mythos actually meant, “knowledge that’s held to be true and sacred among kings and priests and passed down as sacred knowledge.” Since the Sumerian epic, which is around
6,000 years ago, there have been various advanced cultures who have either had some type of influence by beings from the heavens or had access to some type of lost knowledge.
Some of that would include being able to build monuments that are astronomically aligned to certain constellations. There’s an example; one of the pyramids in South America is designed to represent this God, Kukulcan, a serpent god in the form of a snake.

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