A Kind Palestinian Hearth:Warak Dawali and Kusa (Vine Leaf Rolls and Stuffed Vegetable Marrow) (In Arabic)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)

250 grams vine leaves
4 kusa (vegetable marrow or Lebanese squash)
250 grams rice
1 tomato
2 cloves garlic
½ bell pepper
½ teaspoon spices
Parsley, minced
Mint, minced
½ cup corn oil
1 teaspoon salt

1. Mix minced parsley and mint together.
2. Add the salt and the spices.
3. Mix it with the rice. This will become the filling.
4. Mince the bell pepper into soft pieces and add it to the filling.
5. Grate the tomato with a grator, add it to the filling.
6. Mix the filling until it is well combined.
7. Take the vegetable marrows, remove the inside, and then fill it with the stuffing.
8. Fill it only half way and not all the way to the top so it can get cooked well.
9. Take the vine leaf, remove the roots.
10. Put a very little amount of filling in the vine leaf, then roll it.
11. Put half a tomato and half the pepper and the vegetable marrows in the pot.
12. Cover the vegetable marrows with the vine leaf roll until the vegetable marrows are hidden.
13. Put the pot on the stove, put on the lid, and cook it for about half an hour.
14. Take it out and put it on the dishes. It is for two portion.
15. Ready to be served.
16. Eat the food with your hand without any utensils.
trackback : http://www.suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/752

File NO: 1093
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