Chef Brook Katz Presents:Vegan Seitan Scaloppini      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Vegan Veal Scaloppini
2 pounds seitan, sliced into cutlets
Olive oil

1 cup flour (pastry flour recommended)
½ cup nutritional yeast
Sea salt and ground pepper to taste

2 cups diced tomatoes
2 cups whole tomatoes, quartered
2 cups tomato sauce
3 tablespoons rice syrup
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon basil
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon thyme
Serve over pasta (linguine recommended)

  1. Cuts the seitan into about half an inch thick cutlets.
  2. Bread the cutlets.
  3. To make the breading, put a little bit of flour into a bowl.
  4. Add some nutritional yeast, a little bit of pepper and salt just to taste.
  5. Mix it around.
  6. Add a little olive oil to a pot, swish it around. Take the seitan, put it into the breading, and get it breaded really nice on both sides and then lay it into the pot.
  7. Fry the cutlets until they are brown on both sides, and then take them out.
  8. With the remaining oil in the pot, add in the diced onion, and let it cook up and turn clear.
  9. Add in the diced tomatoes, the whole tomatoes and then mix it up.
  10. Add in some basil, oregano, thyme, and garlic.
  11. Add in 1 can of tomato sauce.
  12. Add in the fried cutlets into this sauce and let it cook and get a rich flavor.
  13. The scaloppini sauce is ready.
  14. Take some pasta, break it in half, and put it in boiling water. Make sure the water is enough so that the pasta won’t stick together.
  15. When the pasta is nice and soft, drain it and place it on a plate and put the cutlets on it and pour in the scaloppini sauce.
  16. Sprinkle a little bit of nutritional yeast as topping, a bit of fresh basil.
  17. The veal scaloppini is ready.

trackback : http://www.suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/1009

File NO: 1574
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