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Вдохновленное Небесами искусство Акианы, гения художника и поэта   

Akiane: I started to draw at the age of 4. Nobody taught me how to paint. I just felt this energy coming through me. And I had to show it to everybody in the world.

HOST: Akiane Kramarik is an internationally recognized 15-year-old prodigy who lives in Idaho, USA. She is considered the only known child binary genius, in both realist painting and poetry.

Akiane: I’m just using my gift to inspire people to live a better life, to, just to live with more happiness and more love, and hope.

HOST: When 4-year-old Akiane began to draw sketches and her vivid visions of Heaven, with no previous exposure to books or television, her parents realized she had a gift.
At the time, Akiane’s family did not believe in God or discuss spiritual matters at home. But seeing her sketches and hearing her vivid descript-xions of Heaven, her parents realized there was a whole new reality that she was able to perceive.

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