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Организация афганского начального образования и фонд Ашиана - ради будущего Афганистана (дари)   

Greetings, loving viewers. Today, we have the honor to meet two recipients of the Shining World Compassion Award who have founded non-profit organizations helping thousands of vulnerable
Afghanistan children. 

Ms. Farid (f): 
If we educate the child in Afghanistan, we educate the entire family and that family can impact the village, the village can change the society and a changed society can impact the whole world. 

Ms. Andeisha Farid is the founder and executive director of the Afghan
Child Education and Care Organization (AFCECO), a non-profit entity based in Kabul, Afghanistan that provides vulnerable children a safe environment with all basic necessities, including proper education, health care and love.

Ms. Farid (f):
I myself grew up as a refugee. But when we moved to Afghanistan back in 1992,
there was a lot of suffering in the country. This really made me to help the people, particularly the children, because I believe that no one can guarantee peace and prosperity in Afghanistan unless the children are not properly raised and educated.  

Ms. Farid (f):
I started the program back in 2003 with 20 children and a small orphanage in Pakistan. And today we have 11 orphanages in different parts of Afghanistan with over 600 kids.

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