Relief news update from Pakistan - 21 Nov 2009  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Pakistan.
Early on October 23, a 6.2-magnitude temblor struck the high-altitude Hindu Kush area between Pakistan and northeast Afghanistan, sending tremors that were felt as far away as Kabul, Afghanistan, and New Delhi, India.
A landslide was triggered, taking at least five lives in remote northern Pakistan. Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately donated US$10,000 in emergency aid, requesting that our Association members please go to help the most vulnerable.

This amount could purchase US$188,000 in emergency aid in the United States, based on Pakistan’s cost of living.As per Supreme Master Ching Hai’s frequent requests for updates, the following is our Formosan Association relief team’s report via Foreign Group.

November 16, 2009
Most beloved Master,
Re: Relief work in Pakistan We departed for Pakistan on November 13 as soon as we received our visas, covering our own travel and related expenses of approximately US$1,900 Many homes had collapsed, and the total number of affected families is around 5,000. Those residing in the plain were sheltered in temporary camps organized by the army, and have daily supplies from the Red Cross. So, we focus our effort on remote mountainous areas inhabited by approximately 1,500 to 2,000 families.

With Master’s contribution of US$10,000 and the help of a coordinator for disaster relief, we have purchased flour, beans, rice and cooking oil for 1,000 families. We shall deliver them with the escort of military.
Meanwhile, we received a phone call from a resident in Swat Valley, asking for help due to food shortage. We will go to her area to deliver relief aid.

We estimate that the number of families in need is around 500 to 1,000, and extra funding will be necessary for this urgent request. We appreciate Master’s love and protection so much, which make our trip very smooth.
We will continue to provide updated information.
With much love,Formosan relief team

VOICE: Upon receiving this information, Supreme Master Ching Hai conveyed her love and prayers and pledged an extra US$10,000 in assistance, which could acquire an additional US$188,000 in essential supplies if bought in the United States, based on the cost of living in Pakistan.

Our gratefulness goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai for allowing us to share these details with our concerned viewers, and to our Association’s Foreign Group for providing this report.

We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her heartfelt care that brings comfort to the distressed and We also convey gratitude to our Association’s relief team for their diligent endeavors to help.

May Allah bless the people of Pakistan with continued recuperation, as humanity’s increased kindness helps to restore our planetary stability.