Уютный, снежный Лунный Новый Год с корейскими ддеокгуком и якгавой (на корейском)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Ddeokguk (Rice Cake Soup)
400 grams rice cake
1/5 radish
5 shiitake mushrooms
Dried kelp
1 liter water,
40 grams seasoned mushroom stems
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon salt
2–3 pieces seaweed
1 tablespoon starch
1 gardenia seed
Pine nuts

Yakgwa (Sweet Confection)
850 grams flour
1½ cups water
1 teaspoon yeast
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
½ cup starch syrup
Grape seed oil
2 raw chestnuts

Ddeokguk (Rice Cake Soup):
  1. To make rice cake, mix well the rice flour with water and a pinch of salt.
  2. Put the rice dough into a steamer, after it is steamed, make it into long stick shaped rice cake.
  3. Cut the long stick rice cake into small sections, gather them and put it into baskets to store.
  4. When the rice cake is ready, slice it into calabash rice cake. Carve it carefully into a snowman shape.
  5. For the rice cake soup, put the radish into the pot.
  6. Add in the shittake mushrooms.
  7. Put in the dried kelp.
  8. Boil them.
  9. Meanwhile, prepare some garnish.
  10. Roast the seaweed on the hot pan, and cut it into pieces.
  11. Mixed the starch with the gardenia seed water. Mixed them well.
  12. Drop the mixture in the pan. Spread it evenly.
  13. When it’s cooked, roll it up and slice it thinly. This will be the yellow fritters.
  14. Next, cut the seasoned mushroom stems into thin strips.
  15. Put the calabash rice cakes into the boiling veggie broth. Add the seasoned mushroom stems too.
  16. Add in the soy sauce, and then some pinches of salt. Stir it well.
  17. The rice cake soup is ready now.
  18. For garnish, put the black seaweed and yellow fritters on top. Put some pine nuts too.
  19. Ready to be served.

Yakgwa (Sweet Confection):
  1. Add yeast to the lukewarm water. Add in sugar and salt.
  2. Stir well until completely dissolved.
  3. Mix it well with flour.
  4. Cover it with a wrapping cloth.
  5. Leave it for a night.
  6. After a night, the dough will look totally different. It means it is ready.
  7. Sprinkle some flour on the board, and then roll out the dough on the board.
  8. Put a little bit of flour on the small piece of dough too.
  9. Roll it gently with a round wooden rolling pin.
  10. Put the mould on your palm and put a piece of dough on it, press the mould.
  11. Dip it into hot oil and fry. This will be the yakgwa.
  12. Boil the starch syrup and dip the yakgwa in.
  13. Put raw chestnut slices on top before serving.
  14. Ready to be served.

File NO: 1250
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