Острая кабульская чана из Пуне, Индия (хинди)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Bay leaves
Large cardamoms
Ground pomegranate seeds
Green coriander
Green chili
Coriander powder
Black pepper,
Dry mango powder
Chili powder
Cumin powder
Cooking oil

  1. Boil the chickpeas, and while boiling add in the salt and the hot spices like bay leaves, cloves, and cardamom. Let it boil until the chickpeas become tender. And then drain the water.
  2. Mix the spices of coriander powder, black pepper, dry mango powder, chili powder, and cumin powder in a bowl.
  3. Turn the stove on.
  4. Put the pan, and add in 2 tablespoon of cooking oil. Let it heat up a little bit.
  5. With a little extra oil the chickpeas taste better, and the spices get coated nicely on the chickpeas.
  6. Before the oil becomes hot, add 3 spoonfuls of ground pomegranate seeds.
  7. Leave it for a while.
  8. Add the mix spices into the hot oil. Add in for about 4 spoonfuls of the spice mixture.
  9. Lower the heat to prevent the spices from burning.
  10. Add some salt according to taste.
  11. Add in the chickpeas, and let the spices absorb for about 30 seconds to 1 minute on low heat. Mixed it very well.
  12. Turn the heat up higher. Let it cook for a while to let the water evaporated. And then lower the heat.
  13. Pour it into the serving bowl.
  14. Garnish it with some tomatoes, some onions, green chili and some green coriander.
  15. Enjoy it with a slice of bread or just eat it as it is.

File NO: 1481
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