Готовка с Loving Hut в Стамбуле: турецкие чечевичные котлеты (турецкий)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
2 cups red lentils
1½ cups fine bulgur
3 large onions
6 green onions
Half bunch of parsley
Tomato purée or paste
Chili flakes
Olive oil
4 cups water
Served with salad and pickles

Directions (to make the red lentils):

  1. Turn the stovetop on to medium heat
  2. Fill the pan with 4 glasses of water
  3. Add the red lentils
  4. Stirring to check the red lentils
  5. After the red lentils are nicely cooked add 1 ½ glassfuls of fine bulgur into the cooked red lentilschop the onion bulbs
  6. Mix them (do not useadditional water)
  7. Close a lid on top and allow them to cook for a while
  8. Adding the olive oil into other the pan
  9. Sauté the chopped onion to light pink
Directions (to preparing the salad):

  1. Chop the green onions
  2. Chop the parsley very finely
  3. Covering plate with the lettuce leaves
  4. Put tomatoes and other ingredients in between
  5. Chop the cucumber
Directions (to make red lentil patties):
  1. Add sauted onion into the cooked red lentil
  2. Allow it to cool down for a while before kneading
  3. Add tomato pasteor pured tomatoes
  4. Add the chili flakes
  5. Add the cumin
  6. Add the salt
  7. Add the parsley and green onions
  8. Knead all the ingredients which you have mixed together
  9. It is a sticky mass now quite workable. Knead the mixture and form into patties like meatballs

And allow them to cool down for a while

  1. Make the patties and place them top of the salad
  2. Ready to serve (they are served cold)

File NO: 1551
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