Celebrating Al-Hijrah with Malaysian Gulai Lemak Cili Api (Golden Spicy Coconut Curry) (In Malaysian)      

  • 1 centimeter piece of fresh turmeric
  • 10 chili paddies (seeds removed)
  • 5 large green chilies
  • 2 big bowls water
  • 1 bowl (200 milliliters) thick coconut milk
  • 1 edible wild fern bunch
  • 3 – 4 potatoes, cut into cubes
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 lemongrass stalks, crushed
  • 2 dried tamarind slices
  • ½ package vegetarian mutton


  1. Use the blender to blend the fresh turmeric, chili paddies, and the large chilies, which we cut into smaller pieces. Pour in the water. Start blending.
  2. Pour all of the blended ingredients into the pot.
  3. Pour in the ingredients to be cooked: potatoes, dried tamarind slices, lemongrass, and ½ package of vegetarian mutton.
  4. Take a ½ bowl of coconut milk, and mix it with water then pour into the pot. Add in water until it covers all of the ingredients.
  5. Switch on the stove. To cook the coconut gravy, have to keep stirring gravy so that the coconut milk does not form lumps. The stirring process will take about 20 minutes to boil and to cook this coconut gravy till all of the ingredients become tender.
  6. Pour in the remaining coconut milk, 1 teaspoon of salt. And keep stirring until the coconut gravy boils.
  7. Lastly, add the edible wild fern. Turn off the stove.

File NO: 834,
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