Золотистые хрустящие грибы и сладкий десерт из снежных грибов (формозский)      
Golden Crispy Savory Mushrooms
3 king oyster mushrooms, cut (a)
4 shiitake mushrooms, cut (b)
½ package golden needle mushrooms (c)
Some basil
1 spoon chili powder
1 spoon pepper salt
1 spoon white pepper powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons frying powder
3 tablespoons soy sauce
3 spoons vegetarian oyster sauce
3 tablespoons oil
1 bowl water
1 bowl water

Sweet Snow Fungus Dessert
1 bowl snow fungus, soaked in water for 20 minutes then cut smaller
1 bowl lotus seeds
½ bowl red dates
¼ bowl goji berries
¼ bowl dried longan
Rock sugar

Directions (to make Golden Crispy Savory Mushrooms):
1. Into mixing bowl put oyster sauce, soy sauce, water, mix well
2. Add pepper and salt, mix well
3. Add (a) and (b) into a mixing bowl, mix well
4. Pour all mixture into strainer, then spread well some frying powder onto mixture while shaking the strainer
5. Preheat a wok, test the temperature by putting a piece of needle mushroom into the oil, when it floats means temperature is right
6. Put all mushrooms from the strainer into the wok, as soon as the color is golden brown, scoop it out, not to let it too crispy
7. Put the cooked mushrooms in a bowl, spread over pepper salt and chili powder, mix well, then put them into serving plate (d)
8. Pour water into remaining frying powder, mix well
9. Take a small bunch of needle mushroom (c), dip into the mixture and put into boiling oil
10. When the color is golden brown, scoop it out and put into another serving plate (e)
11. Fry basil in a quick manner all at once, drain the oil and spread it over the serving plate (d) and also (e) to decorate

Directions (to make Sweet Snow Fungus Dessert):
1. Preheat water into a pot
2. Pour snow fungus and lotus seeds, cook for 20 minutes
3. Store the whole pot into a thermo pot for another 30 minutes
4. Put the pot back onto stove, add red dates, goji berries, dried longans, rock sugar
5. Cook for another 10 minutes

File NO: 1103
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