Макаронный салат поппури Примавера (испанский)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Ringlet rice pasta
Filtered water for the pasta
Carrot, grated
Celery, chopped
Red bell pepper, chopped
Parsley, chopped
Pecans, chopped
Black raisins
Sesame seeds
Fresh thyme
Olive oil
Sea salt

  1. To cook the rice pasta, boil adequate water, add in some olive oil to enhance the taste.
  2. Add gently the rice pasta into the water. Keep stirring it with wooden spoon for the firs 2 or 3 minutes to avoid stickiness.
  3. Coo the rice pasta for about 12 minutes. Once it is “al dente”, cool them quickly by dipping them in cold water.
  4. First, add the carrots, then the celery. Add some red bell pepper, and then the raisins, and the parsley.
  5. Add the sesame seeds.
  6. Add a little salt.
  7. Add the pecans. Sprinkle it over the dish.
  8. Lastly, splash a little olive oil on top and some fresh thyme.
  9. And gently toss the salad, allowing them to mix well.
  10. In the end, add some more sesame seeds.
  11. Ready to be served.

File NO: 1240
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