Novice in dogodki
 Premiere of “The Noble Wilds” German and other language editions

On Sunday, October 18, a book release conference will be hosted at Germany’s 61st Frankfurt Book Fair, one of the world’s largest, with the #1 international best selling author, Supreme Master Ching Hai, to celebrate the publication of German and other European language versions of “The Noble Wilds.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai has graciously accepted the invitation to share her experiences and insights with participants, including guest speakers, about the book and the world of our animal co-inhabitants.
European experts will join the discussion from their areas of expertise that include animal welfare, veterinary science, psychology and veganism, all centered around the event’s theme, “Be Vegan, Go Green, Protect God’s Creations in Nature.”

“The Noble Wilds” book release videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai will be broadcast live this Sunday, October 18, starting at 2 pm Central European Time in Frankfurt, Germany.

We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for so generously enhancing our view of the wondrous animal kingdom through her beautiful and peaceful books. May readers everywhere discover in their native languages the true love of God’s creations through “The Noble Wilds.”
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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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