Inmates pardoned for the holy month of Ramadan  
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In Ajman, United Arab Emirates, Supreme Council member and Ruler of Ajman, His Highness Sheikh Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi, has ordered the release of 67 inmates of all nationalities.

Additionally, Hamas leaders in Palestine have freed 100 detainees in Gaza, some of which include Fatah party members.

And in Iran, Islamic Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has donated approximately US$70,000 to help pay the offenses for less fortunate inmates so that they may be released.
On the occasion of Ramadan, it is hoped that the granting of such amnesty will provide a chance for lives of goodness and to be happily reunited with loved ones at this special holy time.
We thank Your Highness Sheikh Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and Hamas leaders for your decisions of clemency. May these benevolent acts remind us all of forgiveness and nobler ways of living.

Ajman Ruler pardons 67 prisoners
Hamas frees 100 Gaza prisoners for Ramadan
Leader donates $70k to help inmates

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