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African Traditional Religions

1. One upon whom We bestow kindness But will not express gratitude, Is worse than a robber Who carries away our belongings.
~ Yoruba Proverb (Nigeria)

2. O my Father, Great Elder,
I have no words to thank you, But with your deep wisdom I am sure that you can see How I value your glorious gifts.
~ Kikuya Prayer (Kenya)

Afro Athlican Constructive Church

3. BE THOU INDUSTRIOUS, THRIFTY AND FRUITFUL, O offsprings of Ethiopia, FOR BY NO OTHER WAY CAN YE SHOW GRATITUDE TO THE LORD YOUR GOD, for the many blessings he has bestowed upon earth free to all mankind.
~ The Holy Piby, Chapter 3

The Bahá’i Faith
4. REAL THANKFULNESS IS A CORDIAL GIVING OF THANKS FROM THE HEART. When man in response to the favors of God manifests susceptibilities of conscience, the heart is happy, the spirit is exhilarated. These spiritual susceptibilities are ideal thanksgiving.
~ Promulgation of Universal Peace, Page 276

5. TO EXPRESS HIS GRATITUDE FOR THE FAVORS OF GOD MAN MUST SHOW FORTH PRAISEWORTHY ACTIONS. In response to these bestowals he must render good deeds, be self-sacrificing, loving the servants of God, forfeiting even life for them, showing kindness to all the creatures. He must be severed from the world, attracted to the Kingdom of Abhá, the face radiant, the tongue eloquent, the ear attentive, striving day and night to attain the good pleasure of God. Whatsoever he wishes to do must be in harmony with the good pleasure of God. He must observe and see what is the will of God and act accordingly. There can be no doubt that such commendable deeds are thankfulness for the favors of God.
~ Promulgation of Universal Peace, Page 276

6. They should manifest gratitude and thankfulness to God, and THE BEST WAY TO THANK GOD IS TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
~ Promulgation of Universal Peace, Page 469

7. To be respectful, humble, contented and grateful; and to listen to the Dhamma on due occasions – this is the GREATEST BLESSING.
~ Tipitaka, Khuddaka, Maha-mangala Sutta: Blessings  

8. A PERSON OF INTEGRITY IS GRATEFUL AND THANKFUL. This gratitude, this thankfulness, is advocated by civil people. It is entirely on the level of people of integrity.
~ Tipitaka, Anguttara Nikaya, Kataññu Suttas: Gratitude

9. Monks, these two people are hard to find in the world. Which two? The one who is first to do a kindness, and the one who is grateful for a kindness done and feels obligated to repay it. These two people are hard to find in the world.
~ Tipitaka, Anguttara Nikaya, Dullabha Sutta: Hard to Find

10. Respect, humility, contentment, gratitude, hearing the Dhamma on timely occasions: This is the HIGHEST PROTECTION.
~ Tipitaka, Khuddaka, Maha-mangala Sutta: Protection

11. When the mother and child are at peace after birth, they should make offerings to the spirits to express their gratitude for the protection given. If, instead of offering to the spirits, friends and relatives are entertained by the killing of animals, both the mother and the newly-born child will suffer punishment.
~ Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra

Cao Đài
12. Loving our parents is not enough. As children, WE MUST BE GRATEFUL TO OUR PARENTS AND FULFILL OUR FILIAL OBLIGATIONS.
~ The Teachings, The Great and Small Vehicles

Thương mến chưa đủ, nghĩa vụ làm con... phải tri ân cha mẹ, làm tròn chữ hiếu ân.
Sách: Giáo Lý – Bài: Thượng Thừa Và Hạ Thừa

13. The superior man, going back to his ancient fathers, and returning to the authors of his being, does not forget those to whom he owes his life, and therefore he calls forth all his reverence, gives free vent to his feelings, and exhausts his strength in discharging the above service; as a tribute of gratitude to his parents he dares not but do his utmost.
~ Liji (The Classic of Rites), Ji Yi

14. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
~ Holy Bible, 2 Corinthians 9:15

15. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
~ Holy Bible, Colossians 3:15-17

~ Holy Bible, Colossians 4:2
17. Let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.
~ Holy Bible, Hebrews 12:28

18. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;  GIVE THANKS TO HIM AND PRAISE HIS NAME.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;  his faithfulness continues through all generations.
~ Holy Bible, Psalm 100:3-5

19. GIVE THANKS IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
~ Holy Bible, 1 Thessalonians 5:18
The Essenes
20. And forget not with your prayers and supplications intercessions and giving of thanks, to offer the incense, as it is written in the last of your prophets, saying, From the rising of the sun unto the setting of the same incense shall be offered unto My Name in all places with a pure oblation, for My Name shall be great among the Gentiles.
~ Gospel of the Holy Twelve, Lection 93.9

And the music of the plough  Is a joyful song unto the Lord.
~ Essene Gospel of Peace

22. Be not ungrateful to thy Creator, for he hath given thee Life.
~ Essene Gospel of Peace

23. To him who alone doeth great wonders, To him that by wisdom made the heavens, To him that stretched out the earth above the waters, To him that made great lights in the heavens,To him that made the sun to rule by day,And the moon and stars to rule by night,  GIVE UNENDING PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING, For his mercy endureth for ever.
~ Essene Gospel of Peace

24. Now your brother also has his grace: Do not belittle yourself, but REJOICE AND GIVE THANKS SPIRITUALLY, and pray for that one, in order that you might share the grace that dwells within him.
~ The Nag Hammadi Library, The Interpretation of Knowledge

25. He that gives thanks shall be Pious or Religious, and he that is Religious shall know both where the truth is, and what it is, and learning that, he will be yet more and more Religious.
~ Corpus Hermeticum, The First Book

26. Whoever with a heart full of gratefulness and free from malice strives to do what is good, ATTAINS WEALTH, VIRTUE, HAPPINESS AND HEAVEN (HEREAFTER).
~ The Mahabharata, Book 3, Section 208

27. Wisdom, good lineage, self-control, acquaintance with the script-xures, prowess, absence of garrulity, gift to the extent of one's power, and gratefulness – these eight qualities shed a luster upon their possessor.
~ The Mahabharata, Book 5, Section 35

28. That son of Dharma honors truth, and is grateful and righteous, therefore will HIS VIRTUE AND GOOD SENSE AND THE STABILITY OF HIS POWER ALWAYS ENDURE.
~ The Mahabharata, Book 14, Section 15

29. Grateful (to those that serve him), firmly devoted (to those that deserve his respect), and with passions under control, he should give unto others their due.
~ The Mahabharata, Book 12, Section 67

30. True to his promise, gentle, kind, Unenvious, of grateful mind,
Versed in the law and firm of soul,  He keeps each sense with strict control.
~ Ramayana, Book 2, Canto 2
Hòa Hảo Buddhism
31. We were born with a body to be active from our childhood to adulthood, with a given wisdom and knowledge. Do we know how much our parents have suffered during all those years? Our ancestors gave birth to our parents, therefore, WE MUST BE GRATEFUL TO OUR ANCESTORS AS WE ARE TOWARDS OUR PARENTS.
~ The Complete Book of Prophecy to Expound Poetry and Literature, The Fundamental Precepts

32. We come into the world, thanks to our ancestors and our parents, but we owe our living to our native land. While enjoying the land and its produce, we feel it is our duty to defend our country, if we want our life to be happy and our race to survive. Let us contribute to the safeguarding of our fatherland and to make it strong and prosperous. Let us try our best and dedicate ourselves to our country according to our ability and strength. In case we have no talent to assume important responsibilities or there is no opportunity to help our country, let us try to avoid wrongdoings that may harm the nation. That is how we show our gratitude towards our country.
~ The Complete Book of Prophecy to Expound Poetry and Literature, The Fundamental Precepts

33. Ever since our birth, we find ourselves depending on people around us, and as we grow up, our dependency on them grows. We need their grains to live on, the clothes they make to keep ourselves warm, and the houses they build as shelters against weather adversities. We enjoy happiness and share misfortune with them. We are of the same culture and tradition, history, and language. Together we form a nation.... WE MUST, THEREFORE, DO OUR BEST TO HELP THEM AS TO SHOW THEM, IN SOME FORM, OUR GRATITUDE FOR THE ASSISTANCE WE HAVE RECEIVED FROM THEM.
~ The Complete Book of Prophecy to Expound Poetry and Literature, The Fundamental Precepts

34. For the monks who have taken refuge in Buddhism, they directly thankful to contributors who supply them with daily needs. They depend on them for their rice, clothes, and medicine necessary for their existence. In brief, they are entirely dependent on the kindness of people for their daily living. They are deeply indebted to everyone. They should, therefore, guide humankind in the search for Truth in order to show their gratitude to the favors received.
~ The Complete Book of Prophecy to Expound Poetry and Literature, The Fundamental Precepts
International Society of Krishna Consciousness

35. Lord Krsna is very kind to His devotees. He is always very grateful and magnanimous, and He possesses all abilities
~ Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Chapter 22, Text 95

36. Whoever acquires the brahminical qualifications--whose only wealth is good behavior, who is grateful and who takes shelter of experienced persons – gets all the opulence of the world.
~ Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 4, Text 44

37. And whoever desires the reward of this world – We will give him thereof; and whoever desires the reward of the Hereafter – We will give him thereof. And WE WILL REWARD THE GRATEFUL.
~ Holy Qur’an 3:145

~ Holy Qur’an 31:12

39. We sent Moses with Our signs and the command. "Bring out thy people from the depths of darkness into light, and teach them to remember the Days of Allah." Verily in this there are Signs for such as are firmly patient and constant – grateful and appreciative.
~ Holy Qur’an 14:5

40. And remember! your Lord caused to be declared publicly: "If ye are grateful, I will add more favors unto you.”
~ Holy Qur’an 14:7

41. Hast thou not seen how the ships glide on the sea by Allah's grace, that He may show you of His wonders? Lo! therein indeed are portents for every steadfast, grateful heart.
~ Holy Qur’an 31:31

42. If it be His Will He can still the Wind: then would they become motionless on the back of the ocean. Verily in this are Signs for everyone who patiently perseveres and is grateful.
~ Holy Qur’an 42:33

43. I will extol thee, O the Lord, for Thou hast raised me up, and hast not suffered mine enemies to rejoice over me.
O the Lord my God, I cried unto Thee, and Thou didst heal me;
O the Lord, Thou broughtest up my soul from the nether-world; Thou didst kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.
Sing praise unto the Lord, O ye His godly ones, and give thanks to His holy name.
~ Holy Ketuvim, Psalms 30:2-5

44. Give thanks unto the Lord with harp, sing praises unto Him with the psaltery of ten strings.
~ Holy Ketuvim, Psalms 33:2

45. I say unto you, my brethren, that if you should render all the thanks and praise which your whole soul has power to possess, to that God who has created you, and has kept and preserved you, and has caused that ye should rejoice, and has granted that ye should live in peace one with another.
~ The Book of Mosiah, Chapter 2

46. And he commanded them that they should observe the sabbath day, and keep it holy, and also every day they should give thanks to the Lord their God.
~ The Book of Mosiah, Chapter 18

47. And they did admonish their brethren; and they were also admonished, everyone by the word of God...BEING COMMANDED OF GOD TO PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, AND TO GIVE THANKS IN ALL THINGS.
~ The Book of Mosiah, Chapter 26

48. Always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.
~ The Book of Alma, Chapter 7

Native American Spirituality
39. For everything he sees he is thankful. HE THINKS OF THE CREATOR AND THANKS HIM FOR THE THINGS HE SEES. Now he hears the birds singing and he thanks the Great Ruler for their music.
~ The Code of Handsome Lake, the Seneca Prophet, The Two Ways He Thinks, Page 22

50. The Creator has ordered that on certain times and occasions there should be thanksgiving ceremonies. At such times all must thank the Creator that they live. After that, let the chiefs thank him for the ground and the things on the ground and then upward to the sky and the heaven-world where he is. Let the children and old folk come and give thanks.
~ The Code of Handsome Lake, the Seneca Prophet, Section 31, Page 41

Sangha of Bhikkhu Buddhist Association
51. If we are truly a good person, we must see clearly that the purpose of our existence is to learn. For our survival, since time immemorial we owe a debt of gratitude to the vegetation, humans, God and Buddha, the earth, water, fire, and wind. Thus we must try to repay them by attaining Buddhahood to teach the Dharma and deliver many people according to their wish.
~ Book of Truth, Householder Buddhists, Page 425

Nếu là kẻ thật hiền, thì phải thấy rõ mục đích sanh ra đời là để học, công ơn cơm áo của cỏ cây thú người Trời Phật, đất, đất nước lửa gió, từ xưa nay phải rán lo đền trả bằng cách thi đậu đắc quả làm Phật, thuyết pháp cứu độ đông người, theo lòng mong cầu của họ.
Tôn giáo: Khất Sĩ // Sách: Chơn Lý // Bài: Cư Sĩ // Trang: 425
52. Do not complain! On the contrary offer thanks to God and lavish handfuls of sympathy, understanding and money on all who, disinherited from worldly possessions, languish in suffering and isolation. You will reap sweet happiness in the world, and later... Only God knows!
~ The Gospel According to Spiritism

53. Instead of complaining, thank God for the opportunity to triumph which He has given you, that He may bestow the prize of victory upon you.
~ The Gospel According to Spiritism

54. My friends, give thanks to God for having permitted you to enjoy the enlightenment of Spiritism. Not that those who possess this enlightenment are the only ones who will be saved, but because it helps you to understand the teachings of Christ, so making you into better Christians.
~ The Gospel According to Spiritism

55. IT IS AN ACT OF GRATITUDE TO LIFT UP YOUR THOUGHTS TO HIM WHEN SOMETHING HAPPY OCCURS, when you avoid an accident, or even when some simple triviality grazes our soul.
~ The Gospel According to Spiritism

56. We teach you to feel pity for the ungrateful, and for faithless friends; their unkindness will do more harm to themselves than to you. Ingratitude comes of selfishness; and he who is selfish will meet, sooner or later, with hearts as hard as his own has been.
~ The Spirits' Book, Book 4, Chapter 1
57. And if some light should shine upon us and we should be graced by a certain joy, we might give thanks a thousandfold to God, saying, “How am I worthy of this?”
~ Discourses of Rumi, Discourse 20

58. GRATITUDE IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR ALL OCCASIONS, chang­ing wrath into grace. The wise and complete ser­vant is grateful for harsh treatment, both publicly and in private, for with the voice of gratitude comes the inspiration to give more.
~ Discourses of Rumi, Discourse 48

59. WHEN THE MIND WANTS TO COMPLAIN, DO THE OPPOSITE – GIVE THANKS. Exaggerate the matter to such a degree that you find within yourself a love of what repels you. Pretending thankfulness is a way of seeking the love of God.
~ Discourses of Rumi, Discourse 68

60. So by praising and GIVING THANKS TO DETRACTORS YOU ARE ADMINIS­TERING AN ANTIDOTE TO THAT HATRED IN THEM, for while they have shown you your deficiency, you have shown them your perfection.
~ Discourse of Rumi, Discourse 68
61. The worship of the Lord from a grateful mind on account of the implantation of good, and thus on account of complete liberation from damnation.
~ Arcana Coelestia

62. Honoring your father and your mother...includes honoring our parents, obeying them, being devoted to them, and thanking them for the benefits they have given us.
~ True Christianity

63. Divine truth and Divine good and glorification, which are signified by glory, honor, and thanksgiving, proceed and flow in from the Lord.
~ Apocalypse Explained

~ Apocalypse Explained

65. The joy of heaven and its eternal happiness consist solely in the perpetual glorification of God, in a never-ceasing festival of praise and thanksgiving, and in the blessedness of divine worship.
~ Conjugial Love

66. Concordant spheres are delightful and grateful, whereas discordant spheres are undelightful and ungrateful.
~ Conjugial Love
The Universal White Brotherhood
67. When we hold a piece of bread in our hand, we must be filled with gratitude for the sacrifice which the bread makes.
~ Food and Health

68. The most important thing while eating is to eat with gratitude.
~ Health, Food, Motion, Breathing
69. The law of Ohrmazd is friendship of man; and the law of Vohuman is longing for paradise; and the law of Ardwahisht is truth; and the law of Shahrewar is aid unto kinsmen; and the law of Spandarmad is perfect devotion and humility; and THE LAW OF HORDAD IS LIBERALITY AND SINCERE GRATEFULNESS; and the law of Amurdad is religious conference and moderation.
~ Denkard, Book 6: Chapter 114

70. They considered this, too, thus namely, THE SOUL COULD BE MUCH REDEEMED by four virtues. And these are as follows: By gratefulness and peacefulness and deviation from vices and pious actions.
~ Denkard, Book 6: Chapter 120

71. Be it known that, it is the duty of man to be ALWAYS GRATEFUL IN THOUGHT, WORD, AND DEED, especially towards the following four: (1) Towards Ohrmazd, principally for His having created him. (2) Towards the sovereign, chiefly for his having given him protection in this world. (3) Towards the parents, especially for their having brought him up with care. (4) Towards the moral teacher, chiefly for his instruction that enables him to recognize these four kinds of obligations.
~ Denkard, Book 3: Chapter 257

~ Denkard, Book 3: Chapter 363

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