Vegan Vanilla Custard Pastries Dazzled with Berry Coulis      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Serves 4–6
Pre-made flaky puff pastry dough or sweet crust pastry dough
Berry Coulis
2 cups fresh or frozen
berries (raspberries, boysenberries, blueberries, etc.)
250 milliliters berry jam

2 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons custard powder
¼ + 1¾ cups vanilla soy milk (or any other flavor)

Icing sugar
Soy milk for basting

Direction (to prepare Berry Coulis):
1. High heat a cooking pan, then pour frozen berries
2. Add the jam, stir to mix them well
3. Lower heat to let simmer for 10-15 minutes

Direction (to prepare the pastry):
1. Take a sheet of pastry, cut into 8 pieces of rectangles
2. Line them onto a pan
3. Coat them with vanilla soy milk
4. Bake into a preheated oven at 200o C for 10 minutes

Direction (to prepare the custard):
1. Pour custard powder into another cooking pan
2. Add sugar, also ¼ cup soy milk, stir evenly
3. Cook in medium heat, keep stirring
4. Add the rest 1¾ cups soy milk, continuously stirring not to let mixture sticks to the pan
5. When it becomes thick, turn off the heat while stirring a bit more

1. Put a piece of pastry on a plate
2. Press the pastry flat, pour some berry coulis
3. Put another piece of pastry on top, pour some custard
4. Spread some icing sugar and put also some berries to garnish
5. Pour some berry coulis on the plate circling the pastry

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