A Taste of Thailand: Fragrant Tom Klong Soup (In Thai)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Young tamarind shoots
4 kaffir lime leaves
3 stalks lemongrass
4–5 slices galangal
1 tomato
6 pieces
dried mushroom protein
10 Bhutan
oyster mushrooms
¼ teaspoon
veggie soup powder
¼ teaspoon brown sugar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
½ tablespoon
tamarind juice
8 dried red chilies
700 milliliters water
Vegetable oil

  1. Heat some oil.
  2. Meanwhile, cut the lemongrass thinly.
  3. Cut the galangal for about 4-5 pieces, finely.
  4. Grind the lemongrass and the galangal. Grind them all finely.
  5. Fry 6 pieces of protein until golden brown on both sides and then keeps it aside while draining the oil out.
  6. Fry the chilies until golden. And then break them into pieces.
  7. Sauté the mixed lemongrass, galangal, and the coriander until it become fragrant.
  8. Pour in 700 milliliters of water. Let it boil.
  9. Meanwhile, slice the coriander for about 2 centimeters long. Cut the roots off.
  10. Dice finely the tomatoes.
  11. Tear the kaffir lime leaves into half.
  12. When the water is boiling, add in the mushroom protein. But before, break the mushroom protein into smaller size, not too big.
  13. Put in the chilies. The chilies need to be slice and crush to open.
  14. Add in the torn kaffir leaves.
  15. Add in the Bhutan oyster mushroom.
  16. Stir a bit.
  17. Add in the vegetable soup powder, the brown sugar, the soy sauce, the tamarind juice.
  18. Mix it.
  19. Add in the tomatoes and the young tamarind shoots.
  20. Stir it.
  21. When the soup is cooked, sprinkle in the coriander.
  22. Serve it in a bowl.
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