Tomaticán, Chilean Veggie Confetti Stew (In Spanish)      
½ kilo of green bean
½ kilo of tomatoes
1 red pepper
¼ kilo chopped corn
Basil stems
½ onion
½ carrot
Olive oil
Sea salt

  1. Chop the tomatoes into cubes. Slice the onion.
  2. Cut the tips of the green beans, and then take out the little hard parts. Slice them.
  3. Grate a little bit of carrot.
  4. Heat about 3 teasponns of olive oil. Add in the onion and then the red pepper.
  5. Chop the basil leaves.
  6. Add in a pinch of salt into the pan and then add in the green beans.
  7. Add in the tomatoes and let it cook for 20 minutes.
  8. After 20 minutes, it is ready to be served. Sprinkle some chopped basil on top as garnish.
  9. Serve it with rice, noodle or just by it self.

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File NO: 930
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