Shimmering Spring Onion Candy: A Formosan (Taiwanese) Traditional Treat (In Chinese)
Loving Cafe in Cincinnati, Ohio - P1/2: The Green in Vegan Dining
Making Oatmeal Cookies with Vegan Buttercream and Spice Icing with Truth on Earth
Ka´i Ku´a, Ancient Guaraní Humitas (In Spanish & Guaraní)
A Sweet St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland - P1/2: Bread Pudding with Vegan Custard
Balinese Vegan Cappuccino Cookies Sprinkled with Chocolate Rice
Healthy, Wholesome Macrobiotic Meal - P1/2: Lovely Lentil Soup
Chilean Veg Society, HomoVegetus: Sharing Compassion through Veganism (In Spanish)
Hawaiian Vegan Chicken Crystal Long Rice
Curried Chickpeas and Potatoes
Pulled with Love Vegan Barbeque Sandwich (In English)
Brazilian Vegan Manjar de Coco (Coconut Custard Pudding in Caramel Sauce) (In Portuguese)
Lenten Traditions: Comforting Meatless Green Split Pea Soup
A Malaysian Specialty: Hot and Sour Vegan Fillet (In Malay)
Fragrant Javanese Yellow Rice Feast to Honor the Birth of the Prophet (In Indonesian)