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Nepalska okusna jed "Aloo Bodi Tama" iz krompirja, bambusa in fižola (v nepalščini)

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Aloo Bodi Tama
1 pound potatoes
1 pound black eyed peas
100 grams bamboo shoots
½ teaspoon red chili powder
1½ teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon coriander and cumin powder
½ teaspoon garlic paste
½ teaspoon ginger paste
50 grams oil
1 onion
5 grams cilantro

Soy Choyela
200 grams soy protein chunks
1½ teaspoons salt
50 grams oil
1 teaspoon garlic paste
1 teaspoon ginger paste
½ teaspoon red chili powder