清海無上師談環保: 邁向高貴之路(一)8/19/2008 紐西蘭奧克蘭(英語)    第1 集
第1 集 Play with windows media ( 51 MB )
第2 集 Play with windows media ( 62 MB )
第3 集 Play with windows media ( 61 MB )
第4 集 Play with windows media ( 64 MB )
第5 集 Play with windows media ( 51 MB )

TIitle: Going in the Noble Direction
         ~ Saturday & Friday, December 20, 26-27 & January 2, 2008

[Part 1]

 Q(f): Hallo, Master!
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Hallo, all the beautiful people! All the beautiful people of New Zealand, greetings to you.
(f): Greetings to you, Master, from New Zealand.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: How are you?
(f): We are very happy, very happy to be with you this evening. Thank you, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Alright! Tell me, what is it you want to talk to me about?
(f): We have some questions for you, Master. Here is the first question.
(m): Hi, Master. (Hallo.)
(m): I’m sure you know that New Zealand is a dairy farming nation, to the point that the government did their best to make sure New Zealanders purchased dairy products like butter etc. In fact, in the early 1970’s, a medical certificate was needed in New Zealand to purchase margarine, a non-dairy butter substitute. Therefore, many people defend meat production because they say it is necessary for the well-being and future of the country and its people. How should we reply to this? Also, there are about 4.4 million people here in New Zealand. How many vegetarians are needed here, so as to keep New Zealand safe from the coming Earth changes? Thank you, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Sometimes I go to supermarket, I see that, this cheese and that butter, next to the non-dairy butter section, it says this come from New Zealand, that come from New Zealand. But I really did not know to such extent that you even need a certificate to buy margarine.
(m): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: It’s truly like that?
Q(m): Up until the mid 1970’s, yes, it was.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: : And now no more, right?
(M): That’s correct.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Oh. Then why we bring up the past?
(m): Just a point of fact, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: I’m not New Zealander, but the thing is, we just do our best. There’s not much I can tell you except disseminating the information for the people and see how they will think about it in their own time. And also maybe you have to talk to the government, because if the governments are the one who endorse meat diet then they are the one who might be willing to recall this.
(m): Yes, yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: I am sure your government has also meant well, because up to recent years, not many governments or anyone have been truly informed about the detrimental effect of meat diet and what all goes in the meat that they eat. It’s horrible what they’re going to eat if they know what it is. All kinds of recycling, cows feeding back to cows. And they even use dog, cats, whatnot, or wild, dead animals to feed the cows and everything. And go back into feeding the pets, and it’s all terribly wrong the way the meat industry is going around to feed people. And that’s why all this has incurred a lot of toil on people’s health and that bred many, many incurable disease, and makes a lot of suffering for the meat consumers. But I am sure your government wasn’t well informed about this.
(m): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: For example, the governments are just reading at the other end of the report. And they cannot just go to every cow and check, and every farm and check every day to see what they’d been fed. And if they have not been reported about the truth about how the cow has been fed or raised, then the government also cannot really understand the depth of the trouble. So now, maybe you could, for example, they rebroadcast the LA conference in which Mr. Howard Lyman. He was a farmer, breeding cattle himself and he has been telling some terrible truth about cattle raising and feeding. You could even copy the essential details about his talk, coupled with many other facts that we have gathered at the SupremeMasterTV.com and you printed them and maybe send it to the government or present it to them in person if you can. Do whatever you can. Make it short, simple, easy to read, and interesting. Because the government personnel they have to read a lot, a lot of information every day, all kinds of report. So if your report is eye-catching enough, then maybe they read it. Anyway, try your best and inform your people. That’s all we can do. Because they have been indoctrinated too long, it’s not their fault. Nobody’s fault. It’s just sometimes The industry has been feeding them wrong information and they are to be really pitied, not to be blamed. Not to blame the government. Not to blame the people. The information has now slowly, gradually going to different direction, also into some of the governmental agency, but it takes some time for them to realize it also.
(m): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: After being informed in an opposite direction for so long, even now, if they are informed the truth, it also takes them some time to digest. Just keep doing it. I’m very sorry that it’s a hard job for you, but it’s a hard job for everyone everywhere. And concerning about 4.4 million people of your nation and how many should be vegetarian, it’s like everywhere else, honey. It is two-thirds, minimum. Two-thirds of the population to be vegetarian.
(m): Yes. Thank you, Master. I would just like to say you look very beautiful.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Thank you, thank you.
(m): And I love you very much. Thank you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Thank you. I love you too, love. Thanks for concerning so much. I feel your love for your people and I’m very touched and I do hope that we will make it. Not just for New Zealand, but for every country.
(m): Hallo, Master. Thank you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Hallo.
(m): Dear Master, weather patterns seem to be changing, such that the production of meat is becoming more difficult. Is this going to be a continuing trend to thus force farmers away from various forms of animal husbandry, animal farming? Thank you, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: I hope so. Of course, the changing pattern of weather is affecting everything else as well. But I think it affects more of the husbandry, the animal raising way of life. Now, because animals raising takes a lot of water, more than even growing vegetables, so if we are short of water, then, of course, the livestock industry will become automatically minimized. And I hope it will be zero soon. Because the more they raise animals, the more water they need. And the more water they need, the less water we even have for vegetarian food production, like growing crops and all that. So I hope everyone realizes it.
(m): Thank you, Master.
(f): Hallo, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Hallo!
(f): Thank you for having this conference for us. Dear Master, due to political and economic pressure, many leaders do not address the problem of meat eating directly. What encouragement can we give them to stand up and spread the message to the people to be vegetarian? Thank you, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: I think they will have to, in time. And I hope they do it soon, so that we still have a chance to save millions, billions of people or the whole planet even. What is the use of having economy or political power when everybody is dead? Even if the leader is still alive, whom would he or she rule if there’s no citizen left? I am worried about your country; it’s a small island surrounded by water. And if the water level rise then…I don’t want to talk about it. But I’m sure your leader will realize it sooner or later, that survival is number one. Political position, economic power is number ten, very low, low, low, low down there. First we have to survive. I’m sure your leaders are not unintelligent. Sooner or later they will make a decision and it will be good for New Zealand people.
(f): I hope so.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: And your power does work also. You write to the government. You get signatures from everybody and submit it to the government. Make noise, do something. Wake them up. Make them know your choice. Because the governments are the one who should work for the people, so, if you tell them, I’m sure they will understand. [NFT: capiche means understand in Italian]
(f): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Yes. It’s not even in my power to influence people’s mind. We cannot do that. Everyone has to wake up themselves. Of course, we can use spiritual merit and grace from Heaven to uplift the consciousness of humankind to some certain extent. But we cannot overdo it. So the power has to come from the people. The people have to wake up themselves and decide for the compassionate direction. In that way, it helps them tremendously to elevate their spiritual consciousness. And they will be higher up in Heaven after this lifetime or even during this lifetime already. Thank you.
(f): Thank you, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: : Do something. Tell them: “Be Go Veg, Go Be Green, Save the Planet.” 

[Part 2]

Q(f): Hallo, Master. 
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Hallo.
(f): Dear Master, I feel that most of the New Zealand people are actually quite honest, kind and also very charitable. The government is also very clean and democratic.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Correct.
(f): So as a nation, I feel we are very blessed up to now, even though there’s only a small percentage of vegetarians. So I was wondering, is there any link between the morality and the spirituality? Do moral people also receive the same blessing, protection as spiritual people? Thank you, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Not the same, honey, not the same. Moral people are protected somewhat but less than the spiritual people, because a spiritual practitioners like yourself are connected with a higher level of consciousness. Therefore, the lower level of consciousness hardly can touch you. If you move to the third level, at least middle third, I don’t mean the lower third. Lower third they still can touch you sometimes, because you are still connected with the second level. And the second level is next to the astral level. Astral level next to physical level. Therefore, the higher you are, the further you are from the physical and astral level, the better for you. Now The people who are on the lower level of the third level of consciousness, like next to the second level or between, or border, nearby, sometimes they still can get trouble with the second level of consciousness, they come up and down. Like a bordering country, they can go back and forth a little bit. But the middle level of the third plane, then the negative power difficult to get you, unless you go down sometimes. If you stabilize yourself from the middle third at least, then you are safer. You are more protected from this kind of collective bad karmic consequence. On the grand scale of destruction, the people from the middle third upward will be surely protected. But the people lower level than that is not. Now then, the moral standards of the world - for example, you don’t kill, you don’t steal, you don’t commit adultery, and you don’t take intoxicant and all that - these are human moral standards. If you are keeping these moral standards like the 5 precepts that I give to you: you shall not kill; you shall not steal; you shall not tell lie; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not take intoxicants, like drug, alcohol and cigarette etc; then, in this lifetime you will have a healthy life. You have a good relationship with other humans, or most of the humans, and have family happiness and all that. That’s natural. And also you’ll be protected from some small disaster.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: But You are not necessarily going up to the higher level of consciousness yet. But by doing this, by keeping the 5 precepts, even if you’re not spiritual practitioners, by keeping the five precepts, when a powerful, living Master is on Earth, in the same period that you are living on Earth, he, she can uplift you to the third level, at least lower third level. Because you’re good enough, the Master has excuses to help you. But nevertheless, it’s not 100% sure, like you practice connection with Heaven yourself. You know, you own the car, you go wherever you want, whenever you want. And the guy who hitchhikes, you can give him a lift. Of course you can. But you can’t take him everywhere he wants to go 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That’s the difference. Okay, love?
(f): Thank you very much, thank you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: You’re welcome.
(f): I just thought it because I feel a lot New Zealand people are actually quite kind, compared to where I used to be.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Yes, they are.
(f): So that’s why I ask this question. Thank you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Of course, of course. They are very kind and good. And the government is very good, that’s why you have to help them. That’s why we are helping them. We make television. We disseminate information to let them know that you are so good, you deserve better. Please, understand that the meat that you’re taking is no good for you. It’s no good for you now, no good for you later, after you die. No good for the whole planet. No good for your country. No good for your future generation. That’s why we have to work hard, to help these good people. Because they are good. They deserve to know the truth, they deserve to know better. That’s why, okay? If you think they are good, work harder for them. Thank you.
(f): Yes, yes. Thanks.
(f):Yes, I feel we also have a very good prime minister, too. Thank you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Yes, I know, she’s good, good. We feature her often on our Supreme Master Television because she’s good. Do you watch the Supreme Master TV on D2? Group: Yes, yes. Master. Everyday.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Then you know even just a few days ago we featured your prime minister because she was trying to resuscitate the tour guide in a very high mountain. In such a desperate situation. Even she does it personally. You know How many prime ministers in the world would do that?
(f): Yes, she always try to look after the needy and poor.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Yes, I know. So you have to tell your government, tell her more of the truth that maybe she has been too busy to know because sometimes as the head of the state, she has to go here, go there often. And she doesn’t have enough time to peruse over all the information. that is bringing to her office. Sometimes her subordinates stop the information before it comes to her because they think it’s not important. It’s more urgent, everywhere else. The war in Sudan, the war in Iraq, the war in… anything else. Or some other prime minister coming to visit. Some president is inviting her, etc, etc. They think these are maybe more important than the vegetarian diet information. And they think that is more important than the harmful of the meat diet and, and how it causes the global warming and how it causes people suffering and death every day.
(f): Yes, yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: She has other people who work for her, assistant and all that. And sometimes their judgment are not the prime minister’s judgment. They have prioritizing things, which are not always the good priority. You help whatever you can. Tell her directly; write to her again and again and again. Use anything possible connection to let her know and to let the government know.
(f): Yes, yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
: Help them because they’re good. Thank you.
(f): Thank you very much, thank you.

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