
Welcome to Supreme Master Television. Today on Science and Spirituality, we present Part 2 of our program featuring  best-selling Japanese author and peace advocate Dr. Masaru Emoto,  who is well-known for his classic text “Hidden Messages in Water.”

Dr. Emoto’s pioneering research is featured in the critically acclaimed American film “What the Bleep Do We Know!?.” Using the medium of water, he suggests that our thoughts and emotions have great power. Dr. Emoto has given evidence, through high-resolution photography of frozen water crystals, that prayer, blessings and strong feelings physically change the crystalline structure of water molecules.

Since the majority of our body is made up of water, the implication of his fascinating discovery is that our thoughts and emotions have a direct effect on our overall health.

Born in 1943 in Japan, Dr. Emoto is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University’s Department of Humanities and Sciences.In 1992, he received certification as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine,  a field of medical practice based on spiritual, metaphysical and newly developed approaches to healing.

Dr. Emoto says that water is sacred and comes from the Divine and that water was the ingredient that initiated all life on our planet.

 科學與靈性 研究通靈的朵洛莉絲.凱能揭示的宇宙奧秘(三集之一)
 科學與靈性 康斯坦丁科羅科夫博士:透過電光子探索看不見的世界(三集之一)
 科學與靈性 裘德.克利凡博士:覺知宇宙的新觀念(三集之一)
 科學與靈性 鮑伯‧狄恩談幽浮的真相(三集之一)
 科學與靈性 沛納.安多夫:麥田圈的訊息,二之一
 科學與靈性 靈能研究員沛納.安多夫:聯繫其他世界(二集之一)
 科學與靈性 全景生命回顧:丹尼爾.布林克利的瀕死經驗(二集之一)
 科學與靈性 彼得卡諾瓦:揭開造化與神聖女性品質的奧秘(二集之一)
 科學與靈性 傑森馬德:來自天外被遺忘的知識(二集之一)
 科學與靈性 透過星球的聲音達到和諧與自我了悟(二集之一)(德語)