Animal World
Tuning into Oneness: Telepathic Animal Communicator Candi Cane Cooper      
Being able to communicate with animals, people can see we are all one universal mind. We are all connected, every little thing. And that we are not different from our animals.

Greetings, precious viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. This is the first in a two-part series featuring an insightful journey into the inner world of animals with telepathic animal communicator Candi Cane Cooper of Los Angeles, California, USA. Ms. Cooper’s work with animals has been profiled on many prominent television channels in the US including E! Entertainment Television, Animal Planet, and others.

She is the founder of Adoption 911 which is a non-profit animal rescue organization that also operates an animal sanctuary called the Sweet Water Ranch near Los Angeles. Adoption 911 has rescued horses, alpacas, birds, dogs, donkeys, cats, bunnies, sheep, turtles, snakes, goats, pigs, and other animals and strives to re-home them with caring families. Since childhood, Candi Cooper has always had a deep connection with animals and every being has a special place in her young and loving heart. Ms. Cooper realized she had the ability to communicate and to truly understand animals at a very early age.

I believe that the first time I realized I was talking to the animals was when I was three years old. My very first dog was a little Chihuahua. And I always talked to him. One night I heard him crying and I told my parents about it. They didn’t think that it was real because they didn’t hear anything. And then the next morning, he was terminally ill, we found out and he passed away. So when I look back, I can validate it that way, knowing that that was probably when I first really realized it.

Her special gift allows her to connect inside with animals of all shapes and sizes.

It’s a beautiful experience. When I walk in a room, I hear all the animals talking to me, just like I walk in a room with a bunch of “two leggeds”(humans) and hear their conversations.

I can talk to any animal, in present or on the other side, or over the rainbow bridge, as a lot of animal people like to say to it. (I) have no problem (talking) with animals that have passed away – crickets, squirrels, cats, dogs, and horses.

When I connect with the animals on the other side, it’s always very different, the imagery that they send me. People have this vision of Heaven or what it looks like on the other side and I’ve learned to see it as a completely parallel universe to ours right now, running at the same time, but yet different, yet connected. It’s all one energy, it’s all one universe.

How does telepathic animal communication work? How do animals express themselves? Ms. Cooper shares what she receives from animals during conversations.

It’s the telepathic highway of life; it’s way faster than the Internet. Sometimes it just comes so quickly, it’s like it floods me with their energy, their images, and their emotion. It can be a little overwhelming and sometimes I just have to slow it down but I channel it and then I just, as I take it in, I, I spill it back out as I interpret it.

I receive images; it’s almost like a movie. I receive taste, I hear as if I am inside of them, I can feel them. It’s pretty amazing. Each animal is very different like each one of us. Some of them are a little more shy, some of them are more outgoing and very vocal. I do hear the voices, and it’s pretty cool because I can get more of an insight on the animal, like if you see a picture of somebody and then you actually meet them and you feel their energy and you hear their voice, it gives you such a deeper perspective of who they really are. And so when I connect with the animals in that way, I’m virtually like inside of them.

Animal companions are very sensitive and are conscious of their surroundings. Ms. Cooper now gives an example.

Many times when I communicate with the animals, they send me images from their home and inside their house and I can tell the caregiver the color of their furniture, their drapes, it’s really kind of crazy. They’re like, “How did you know that?” That’s because your animal lives there. And a lot of times the animals even will compliment the human and say, “I really like the colors in the house. I really like the energy, the way that you decorated the house.”

I get that a lot. It’s really wonderful. So they’re very aware of the environment that we as humans present to them. So when you think your animal’s not paying attention to your new drapes or your new carpets or the air freshener that you put in the house, they are.

When we return, Candi Cooper will share the heart-warming story of a mother horse who motivated her to start her non-profit animal rescue project, Adoption 911. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Each and every single animal has their own purpose and identity for being here and being a part of this energy as we call it, this universe that we live in or that we visualize as our reality. I have learned so much from the animals every day when I connect with them.

Welcome back to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants here on Supreme Master Television, as we continue our interview with telepathic animal communicator Candi Cane Cooper of Los Angeles, California, USA. Ms. Cooper is a passionate advocate of animal rights and welfare. Her acquaintance with a graceful mare named Princess inspired her to start Adoption 911, a non-profit animal rescue group that saves, cares for, and rehabilitates vulnerable animals.

I have a non-profit that I’m very proud of. And it started one afternoon, I was doing an undercover documentary on horse slaughter for the local news. And before I even got out of the car, this beautiful mare was screaming to me, and I walked up to her and she said, “Help me, save me.” And I said, “What’s wrong?” And she said, “I’m having a baby.” And I said “When?” And she said, “Now!” And I said, “Turn the cameras off, we are not doing this today. Today we are going to save some horses.” And that moment is what changed me. I rescued that horse, brought her home, and I have her little baby out back.

Let’s now meet some of the sanctuary’s friendly residents, including Jazz, daughter of Princess.

I want to welcome you to my crew back here. We have Astro, the amazing wonder puppy who is the protector of all. Thank you. We have beautiful Apollo who I just rescued about four months ago and he is, as you can tell, looking magnificent. He’s a 10 year old Quarter Horse. This is Chini, he is a retired movie horse. He is a thoroughbred. He’s about 23. His last movie was Zorro, very impressive. He still does sign autographs.

And then we have Jasmine, baby Jazz. And this is the little girl that I was telling you about, that we rescued her mom when she was pregnant. She’s just a little over a year now and, more beautiful than I could ever expect. And our latest addition, is Baby Niblet and he is a Nigerian dwarf (goat).

I’m working with my animal rescue, to help prevent cruelty to animals. And then on the other side, I’m working through my animal communication every day. I feel that every animal that I connect with and every caregiver that I can enlighten that calls me to help them, already sees a different pathway for the future, for human and animal interaction. And if I can help validate it through connecting them a little closer with their animal through a reading with me, or a session with me, then I’ve accomplished a lot that day.

Ms. Cooper has discovered that every animal is a unique being with their own loveable personality; there is no such thing as one label that fits every dog, horse or rabbit.

As humans we put these labels on the animals. Again, each and every animal is their own entity and has their own persona once you get to really know them. Personally I’ve never met an animal that wanted to be dominated or wanted a human being to be their pack leader, ever. They want to work in harmony and in conjunction with their humans.

Horses’ caregivers are kind of privy to this knowledge, I’d say a little bit more than canine or feline caregivers, because natural horsemanship’s been very popular the last five, 10 years where it’s been partnership with your animal. So I’m of the mindset of partnership, not dominance. And animals are completely non-violent by nature.

We asked Ms. Cooper for tips on learning to communicate inside with animals.

We all have certain talents. Some of us can play the piano and some of us play Chopsticks and some of us go on to be a concert pianist, it just depends. If you unlock that door, and see what’s behind it, well, then the possibilities are endless. But you have to just take that first step.

When you learn to quiet down your conscious mind and you stop thinking about yourself every day, all day long, and that ongoing tape that we run, most of us run all day long, and you’re in the moment, you are going to be surprised what you can be receive. It’s just like fine tuning into that frequency. It’s all around us, it’s there, but can you tune into it?

Our gratitude goes to Candi Cooper for being a bridge between humans and animals through her work as a telepathic animal communicator and for showing true kindness to our animal friends by founding Adoption 911. Please join us tomorrow on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants for the second and final part of our interview with the caring Ms. Cooper.

For more details on Candi Cooper, please visit

Thank you, lovely viewers, for your company today on our program. Up next is Enlightening Entertainment, after Noteworthy News. May your life be blessed with the love of animals.

In making decisions and judgments in life, how can we distinguish between our thoughts and our intuition?

Thinking is A plus B equals C. Thinking is analyzing. Intuition is tuning in and receiving – big difference. And intuition comes through in transmissions; it goes fast, very fast. So you have to catch it.

Better understand the role of intuition as psychiatrist and best-selling author Dr. Judith Orloff shares more on the subject in the final part of a two-part series airing Monday, July 5, on Healthy Living.
The horse told her, “Thank you for putting warm water on his grain this winter.” And I was the only one in this entire world that knew that that was happening.

Greetings, splendid viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. This is the second and final part of a two-part series featuring an insightful journey into the inner world of animals with telepathic animal communicator Candi Cane Cooper of Los Angeles, California, USA. Ms. Cooper’s work with animals has been profiled on many prominent television channels in the US including E! Entertainment Television, Animal Planet, and others.

She is the founder of Adoption 911 which is a non-profit animal rescue organization that also operates an animal sanctuary called the Sweet Water Ranch near Los Angeles. Adoption 911 has rescued horses, alpacas, birds, dogs, donkeys, cats, bunnies, sheep, turtles, snakes, goats, pigs, and other animals and strives to re-home them with caring families.

Since childhood, Candi Cooper has always had a deep connection with animals and every being has a special place in her young and loving heart. Ms. Cooper realized she had the ability to communicate and to truly understand animals at a very early age.

What I like to do which is different than most communicators, I like to have the caregiver with me during the reading and I read in real time. I don’t need a picture, I don’t need a video, and I don’t need a set of questions. I just have the caregiver with me and when I connect with the animal we have a three way conversation.

And it’s really cool because the caregiver gets to feel a little bit of what I feel. And there isn’t (That’s great) one reading where the caregiver doesn’t say to me, “I have never felt more touched or connected with my animal, ever,” because the energy is going through all of us at the same time.

What I do is teach the caregiver how to connect with their animals through imagery and telepathy when they are trying to work with behavioral issues, which is my specialty especially with larger animals, the equines and all of that, to communicate in that way without speaking because it’s so much stronger than words, especially when we connect with the animals on the other side.

Our horse friends hold a special place in Ms. Cooper’s heart and she says they frequently make inner contact with humans because of our very close relationships with them.

Horses were my first love. And I have a lot of equine clients. So I would say just by virtue of what we do with horses, they’re so used to communicating telepathically with their riders on them they’re kind of in the know from the beginning with humans.

Ms. Cooper is a passionate advocate of animal rights and welfare. Her acquaintance with a graceful mare named Princess inspired her to start Adoption 911 in 2009. All the rescued animals stay at the tender-loving Sweet Water Ranch sanctuary until they find a new home.

I work with a lot of animal organizations. I work with the Los Angeles Animals Services, they have a beautiful program called New Hope, and allows 501(c)3s (non-profits) like myself to take shelter animals. And then I can place them in homes for people that have financial hardships, but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be allowed to have an animal, yes? (Yes) So it opens the door for that, and it’s a great program and I love working with my local shelters.

Animals have amazing qualities and their warmhearted, unconditional love for us lifts our spirits and gives those who are going through challenges in life a reason to smile.

There have been studies now where the companion animals go out to the hospitals, the therapy animals visit critically ill children or they go to the rest homes for the elderly. Petting a dog has been known to lower your blood pressure, right? So, it’s becoming more mainstream now, the connection, but it’s always been there. The animals are willing to always give, and they need our love just as much as we need them.

But again, we’re all brothers and sisters, we’re all connected. That’s how I see it. There’s no dividing line. And once you erase those boundaries you can have a beautiful relationship with any animal you might have – your snake, your turtle, your dog and the birds out in the trees that live in your neighborhood.

Apollo is a noble horse who stays at the Sweet Water Ranch and Ms. Cooper now relates his story.

This is Apollo and he is a 10 year old Quarter Horse. He’s a big boy and he’s a beautiful animal and he was abandoned. I got a call, the caregiver couldn’t afford him anymore I guess, and just left him. And I’ve been working with him and he’s been on a very strict program of vitamins and all kinds of supplements and he is just looking completely magnificent in a very, very short time. He really is. And he’s really fit in well with the family here. He’s been helping baby Jazz get over the loss of her mom. Her mom was a Palomino like him.

So now she’s accepted him as a sort of a surrogate big brother. And it’s been really nice. And we’re just thrilled to have him. He’s a wonderful, wonderful horse.

We will pause now for a message and when we come back, we’ll meet the intelligent Jazz, daughter of the first horse Candi Cooper rescued. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants here on Supreme Master Television as we resume our program featuring compassionate telepathic animal communicator and founder of Adoption 911, Candi Cane Cooper of Los Angeles, California, USA. Let’s now meet Jazzy, Sweet Water Ranch’s very first baby horse resident who is a pure joy to be around.

Jasmine, come on over here. Jazzy. She’s a little over a year (old) now. And she’s a beautiful little Quarter Horse. Super smart girl! And being that I’ve had her since she was born, our telepathic communication is just off the charts.

I mean she is just amazing. She already does so many things that a one year old horse would never be capable of doing, because of the connection, because of how she’s been raised. All her training has been through speech and telepathy.

I’ve been teaching her how to read colored cards. And it’s a misconception, people say that animals do not see in color and that’s not true. They do; they see all the colors. And she’s an example of it. So that’s why I’ve been training her to do this, not really to do tricks, but just to inform people that there is another whole world to the animals that they never thought was possible.

So I’ll just demonstrate for you. Jasmine, green, purple, red. Green, purple, red, purple. Okay. Where’s the red? Put your head in. Where is the red card? Red? Good girl. Pretty good, right?

Lastly, Ms. Cooper encourages us all to give heart-to-heart communication with animals a try. She says if we listen, we too can surely connect with the animals.

Listen to that little inner voice because, you’re receiving messages all the time from your animals. They are connecting with you telepathically, as they are receiving your thoughts all the time. A lot of times I’ll get into a session with an animal and they’ll ask me about the caregiver’s health, and they’ll say, “How did my horse know that? How did my dog know that?” They know everything, they know everything.

They are more sensitive) Yes. So a lot of times the caregivers are just so flattered or they start crying. They can’t believe that the animal’s just as concerned about them as they are about their pet. It’s really beautiful. I would like to ask your viewers to just open their minds and think about their own connection as a human being to other human beings.

Their intuitive sense when they met somebody, that little voice in the back of their head. I know that they’ve all experienced that moment where they’re thinking about somebody, and then all of a sudden the phone rings and it’s that person on the other end. Or again, where they say, “I just knew something about somebody,” or “That was going to happen, I could feel it.” All of these signs are little scratches on the surface of what I do in a big way with the animals.

And for them to open their minds and their hearts to this other way of connecting, and try to experience it and expand on it with the animals, and know that it’s real and to feel it and not question it, but just to jump in and practice it. Practice it with your own animals every day. Practice it with your friend’s animals. Have your friend bring their pet over and see if the caregiver can tell you something that only they would know about the animal. See if you can guess it. Maybe like what their dog’s dinner bowl, what color it is.

Focus on it. Ask that animal in your mind and see if you can get a picture of it. Play some games with yourself, telepathic games or psychic games, and build your own psychic muscle. Open your heart and see that there’s this whole other universe. It’s here. It’s right here. The energy flows in you and through you every day; it’s right here. All you have to do is receive it. And that’s my wish, to just let others feel the beauty of the animal world in their everyday life.

We deeply appreciate Ms. Candi Cane Cooper taking the time to introduce us to her work and for showing us around the Sweet Water Ranch. May Heaven bless Ms. Cooper in her continuing efforts to bring about further awareness of the high intelligence of animals and their noble contributions to our world.

For more details on Candi Cooper, please visit

Peaceful viewers, thank you for joining us today on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Coming up next is Enlightening Entertainment, after Noteworthy News. May your days be filled with abundant love and laughter.

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