Unifying Notes:The Judeo-Arabic Music of Naguila Ensemble - P2/2 (In Hebrew & Arabic)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Hebrew, Arabic and French, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

May your coming be for peace, O angels of peace
May your coming be for peace, O angels of the Exalted One--
from the King Who reigns over kings,
The Holy One blessed is He.

Harmonious viewers, today on Enlightening Entertainment, we continue with part 2 of our two part program on the renowned Naguila Ensemble, based in France. On National Geographic’s world music website, the band is described as, “They play a music rooted in the common history of their communities. Nowadays these worlds are often opposite. The Naguila Ensemble shows that, in the past, for over a thousand years, they could create wonderful music together.”

All are welcome here, all who want to hear music of our fathers, music of the synagogue. Our culture, is something that we have together with our Muslim brothers.

The musical group is comprised of the talented artists: Pierre-Luc Ben Soussan, who plays the darbuka and riqq; Mohamad Zeftari, who is a vocalist and violin player; Yédi Serfati, a vocalist; Fouad Didi, who plays the oud and sings; and André Taïeb, a vocalist.

Welcome. Naguila brings together Muslim and Jewish musicians and carries a message, the message of love and peace to the whole world.

Maalouf is the art of Arab-Andalusian music that is passed on by ear from one generation to the next. Naguila Ensemble seeks to share this precious oral artform through its songs. They are able to do this through the help of the group’s singer, André Taïeb, one of the last masters of this musical heritage. Born in Constantine, Algeria, Mr. Taïeb learned from the highly respected vocalist Cheikh Raymond.

André Taïeb, our singer, he is not here, but always, he is the bearer of a message that I do not forget. He always says that now on earth, it is here we have to love each other, later on it is too late. That’s all. It is necessary to take advantage of our existence to share the universal values. That’s it.

Peace upon you… peace upon you Peace upon you… peace upon you
From the Lord… Lord of the Lords

It is true that it is a great task, but I think that it is not only a passion, but that it is also our duty to transmit this tradition, I would say very modestly, with the little that we know, that we have learned. Up until now, we have always been in contact with our masters or other professors who exist in Maghreb, to learn more, to dig further into this repertoire because it is immense.

And what we especially need to know and need to note also is that it is a tradition based on oral transmission. As there are no written records, there are no partitions, and therefore, it is really a vast universe, I would say, that is left to discover. That’s it!

In the life of Sephardic Jews, music accompanies all festivals and events and through this, the oral traditions are passed on and preserved in the hearts of the people. Many of the songs are liturgical poems of a spiritual nature.

Oh my heart Let it be as it is Pay no attention to what they say
And listen to the wisdom of the old Act deliberately and do not hesitate
And patience shall pay off Relief shall come at once Relief shall come at once

Please keep your dial tuned to Supreme Master Television. Enlightening Entertainment will be right back after these brief messages with our feature on the Naguila Ensemble.

It is like science, that’s it! The more we progress, the more we discover and it is never over. So, it is our duty to transmit this tradition that exists to our children, to other cultures, and especially to share it with you, for example.

Thank you for joining us again for Enlightening Entertainment with our feature on Naguila Ensemble, a Judeo-Arabic band presenting a harmonious synthesis of music to its listeners. Their unique blend of music not only serves as a message of peace but also helps preserve the ancient singing traditions and culture. One of the musical works Naguila Ensemble presents is, “The Journey of Maimonides,” a piece on the prominent Jewish philospher and Torah scholar of the Middle Ages.

Maimonides is a very important person for Judaism. First, he is a sage, a wise man in the interpretation of the Torah. Then, he is a doctor. And he is someone who lived through all this period very intensely. In the writings that we can find about his life, we see that he was someone that was very attached to his people, but also to the whole environment that made up Andalusia. So he was a sage-doctor of the Torah, who wrote many books, of teachings, almost exclusively in Arabic.

The servant is contingent to his master Sadness and consolation Are all at the hands of God Tolerate the situation Until God relieves you Tolerate the situation Until God relieves you

As fellow inhabitants of our shared Earth, members of Naguila Ensemble recognize their duty not only as muscians safeguarding artistic traditions but also as stewards of the planet.

If we want to survive, we have to, above all things, protect our environment,. We do not have a second spaceship, we only have one, it’s this planet. Here it is! We have to pay attention to protect our planet because it is the first command of the Bible. It is to say to man, “You will not dominate, you will have to run the planet. You will have to make sure to govern it.” Govern does not mean consuming without limit.

In this world, to go towards peace, I think that everyone can contribute something, do his part, from his side. It means that the politicians try to bring in something, the artists on one hand, the athletes on the other hand, and all this to reach the same goal, which is peace, but everybody really tries to advance, that’s it.

Humanity in the 21st century almost managed to empty the sea. So it's time to ask true questions, alright? To put life back to the central point and to stop looking only at capitalistic interests, or immediate profitability, but to look at long-term profitability. The long-term profitability, it is the well-being, it is the life of the future generations.

The music of Naguila Ensemble recalls of a golden age in which adherents of Christianity, Islam and Judaism peacefully existed in a spiritual openness that fostered the melodious fusion of their cultures.

Musicians have always been the ambassadors of peace. As always, initial agreements came with the musicians, and afterwards, they were settled politically, and at the end, the musicians return to celebrate, in fact, the agreements. Therefore it is always like that, in the beginning, at the end, it is always with music.

To conclude today’s program, let us enjoy an excerpt from Naguila Ensemble’s performance, with lyrics presented in both Arabic and Hebrew.

When the morning sun rises When the morning sun rises
You come into my mind And when it sets When it sets, my tears flow down my cheeks
Peace... Peace... Peace be upon you Whether you are near or far…

Peace upon you, O ministering angels,
Peace upon you, angels of the Exalted One--
from the King Who reigns over kings,
the Holy One, Blessed is He

Thank you for using your musical talents to bring harmony to the world, Naguila Ensemble. May your noble mission be divinely blessed with success.

Elegant viewers, it was a pleasure to have you with us for Enlightening Entertainment. Words of Wisdom is up next, right after Noteworthy News here on Supreme Master Television. Let us all be guided towards peace through the inner melodies of Heaven.

For more information about the Naguila Ensemble, please visit:
For Naguila Ensembles music CDs, please visit

Born and raised in the ancient land of Babylon, in Iraq, Salam Jamil honors his heritage in his art.

The Iraqi environment differs from one quarter to another and one city to another, in color, method, designs. That charm is in the nature of Iraqis.

Explore Iraq in the beautiful works of the greatly accomplished ceramic artist Salam Jamil, Tuesday, August 3, on Supreme Master Television’s Enlightening Entertainment.
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