Aulacese (Vietnamese) Chèo Traditional Opera: Tấm Cám - P1/3 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation that has a long-standing traditional culture. Aulacese music is very rich; since ancient times, there have been many musical instruments that move the soul with a wide variety of sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals and panpipe. In 2003, Elegant Music, a form of Huế royal music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world.

Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan Họ folksongs in the North, Huế tunes in the Central, and cải lương (modern folk opera) in the South. In addition, there are many other forms of music, including hò (work songs), lý (village songs), ceremonial songs, Aulacese classical opera, chèo traditional opera, Hồ Quảng opera, and so on.

Indeed, music has been deeply instilled in the hearts of people in this beautiful country, and has been cultivated until this day. Northern Âu Lạc has a folk art called xẩm singing that is very popular in the northern plains and midland. This genre, in the old time, was performed by minstrel bands.

In a gathering with a small group of our Association members some years past, Supreme Master Ching Hai was inspired to spontaneously compose and sing in the xẩm style a poem she had written in her late 20s in Germany. The poem was originally written in English which the poet herself translated into Aulacese.

We now invite you to enjoy an excerpt of the xẩm singing “We Don't Live More Than One Hundred Years!” composed and sung by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

SORRY darling if I could wait no more, I am not a nun, and never want to be so. You don’t wish to share your life, So let me go on my way!

I know you think I am crazy, But what difference will that be? I live my life as I please No matter what others think. Everyone has different things!

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

Chèo traditional opera is a folk theater art which originated from the regions near the mountains and from the plains of northern Âu Lạc. There are varied opinions about the beginning of chèo traditional opera: the earliest time is believed to be in 4th century BCE and the most recent is 14th century, at the end of the Trần dynasty. Chèo is a narrative genre of folk theater, recounting stories through a combination of music, singing and dance.

One of the unique features of chèo is a skillful portrayal of subtle gestures and movements. During festivals, people in the plains of northern Âu Lạc often look forward to watching chèo traditional opera. The lyrics are infused with folk poetry and proverbs; tragedies are usually counter-balanced with satires. Chèo is replete with the pure simplicity of the common folk, yet equally profound in meaning.

The chèo traditional opera “Tấm Cám” is based on a famous Aulacese legend, about Tấm and Cám, two half-sisters with opposite personalities. Similar to the fairy tale “Cinderella” from Europe, the story of “Tấm Cám” is widely told among the Aulacese people. It reflects the concept of “good people attract goodness,” and highlights mercy for the wrongdoers’ lack of unawareness, allowing them to have a chance to repent and make amends.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the Aulacese chèo traditional opera titled “Tấm Cám” by Lưu Quang Thuận. It will presented in 3 episodes,

with performances by Quỳnh Mai as Tấm, Thanh Hường as Cám, Mai Hương as Cám’s Mother, Văn Quân as the Prince, Anh Tuấn as Guard Thìn, Xuân Hải as Village Elder , Mai Trang as Miss Xoan, Huệ Liên as Miss Nụ, Kim Quế as Miss Mận, Mai Lan as Miss Điều, Kim Cúc as Elder Đa , and other artists.

Please join us next Thursday for part 2 on Supreme Master Television.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. May your life be filled with happiness in noble love. Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next week.

Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next week.

Swallows fly high and far on the sky; we’re like flowers in the field. What birds are like flying snowflakes, gently flapping their wings in rolling clouds? O the paddies of our hometown…

Rain or shine, I labor alone all day to pick vegetables in the field. As an orphan, I must endure much hardship. O Xoan, Điều, Mận, Nụ, come! Lots of vegetables here.

O sister Tấm!

We pick and fill our basket with vegetables. Our hearts are happy. These vegetables of all sizes are fresh and delicious. We pick and fill our basket with green vegetables.

O sisters! Today, water is streaming through the canals to paddies. The scent of lush rice wafts through the air. Looking at the rice plants I’m overjoyed, O sisters!

You’re so poetic today.

Is Tấm there?

Someone looks like Elder Đa. Yes, she’s here, Elder.

Greetings, Elder!

Greetings, my children!

You’re not going to the market today, Elder?

I’m skipping the market today to find Tấm for some business.

What is it, Elder?

My children, the festival is not far away.

The festival will start soon.

Tấm can make beautiful phoenix-shaped quids of betel. The elders are asking you to help prepare a few trays for the guests who come from afar to the festival.

Preparing a golden tray of beautiful phoenix- shaped quids of betel for the festival for the guests from afar.

Will you accept?

Accept it, sister Tấm!

The village has entrusted in me; I’d like to accept. Oh, but Elder! Remember to buy the areca and betel from Duyên Hamlet; it’s more fragrant.

You’re so skilled indeed, selecting areca and betel all the way from Duyên Hamlet. All right, children, I’m going back first.

Yes, Elder.

O sister Tấm, every year after our village festival, the girl who prepares betel often gets married far away. I’m afraid of the distance and ferry fee, you won’t visit friends and family.

It’d better to get out of a suffering life with a stepmother.

Why should you endure whippings day and night? Our loving friendship is indescribable, sister Tấm.

Let’s go home, sisters!

Whoever has legs, can just walk home. Why entice others for company? She already has a sister to accompany her.

Her voice can be heard before she comes.

Sour like lemons!

It isn’t lemon if it’s not sour. Don’t irritate my ears with your backbiting.


Let me teach her a lesson, sister Tấm.

Please don’t!

Why waste our breath on her? Why bother sitting in the bush to be caught by thorns? Let’s go home, sisters.

We’re going home now, sister Tấm.

O sister Tấm, wait for me! Did you gather a lot of vegetables? Let me see! (Here.) You picked that many! You even got mushrooms?

Yes, mushrooms too.

You’ll be rewarded a pink camisole this time.

Did you find a lot too? Let me see!

Not too bad...

She got a basketful, while I only have a few stalks. What to do now?

O Cám! It’s getting dark. Let us go home.

O sister Tấm! Your hair is muddy. Go wash it in the clear stream, or else you’ll be scolded when you get home.

Wait for me a bit then.

My mom said the reward is a pink camisole, and you believed right away. Don’t you dream of getting a pink camisole! Now that your basket is empty, you’ll surely get thrashed.

O Cám! Where are you? O God! My full basket of vegetables, she took it all. I’ll be whipped unjustly today. Mother and daughter, how wicked! I don’t dream of getting a pink camisole, but only wish for peace with a basketful of vegetables. When will the misery of my life end?

O Tấm!

Whose voice is it? It’s so loving like my mom’s lullaby in my childhood. Oh, who are you?

I’m the Buddha. Don’t cry anymore, child. Though the vegetables are gone, I’ll give you a small goby. Take him home and raise him in the well. Take good care of him so as not to betray my love. Twice a day, sprinkle rice over the well and call: “O Goby, Goby, small and good. Come up to eat red and golden rice. O Goby, Goby.” Did you hear me clearly?

Yes, I did. O Goby, round body, small eyes, long tail and scales as shiny as glass. An orphan, I’ve endured all sorts of hardship. Come home with me and grow up fast. O cute Goby! Come home with me, sweet Goby. You’ll be happy in the clear, cool well water.

The cruel whipping three days ago still hurts now. But everyday, when I gaze down the deep well, and see Goby, my sorrow dissolves. O Goby! Come up and eat so I can go to cut some grass. “O Goby, Goby, small and good. Come up to eat red and golden rice. O Goby, Goby.” My rice is the good rice from hard labor that I saved for you. O Goby, Goby! Graceful Goby, sweet Goby! O Goby, you’re growing as days go by. In the crystal clear water, you swim effortlessly. Grow and be good, Goby. You swim happily, reflecting my face. Graceful Goby, sweet Goby! Seeing you swim happily...

Tấm! Why are you at the well so early? Stepmother, I’m about to cut the grass.

Cutting grass? With a bowl of rice?

Go tend the buffalo today instead. I’ve prepared a pack of rice for you. Remember to let the buffalo graze far away, or else we’ll be fined by the village. Here’s the rice. Take it and go tend the buffalo early, child!

Yes, stepmother.

Tấm! When you pass the dense bush, avoid thorny branches. Rest in the shade at noon, all right?

Yes, stepmother.

See? I told you.

Go get me the basket. Sprinkle the rice and call him up!

O Goby, Goby, small and good. Come up to eat my gold and silver rice. Don’t eat other people’s old rice and stale porridge. O Goby, Goby.

Why didn’t he come up? Try to remember how Tấm called him.

I remember now.

Call him!

O Goby, Goby, small and good. Come up to eat red and golden rice. O Goby, Goby.

Call now before he disappears again.

My rice is the good rice from hard labor that I saved for you. O Goby, Goby!

Here he is!

O Goby, Goby, small and good. I’m furious looking at you. My rice has been wasted on you. I’ll barbecue you.

She’s raised the fish in the well.

She’s raised the fish in the well. We’ll have a good meal today.

The buffalo grazed far from the village. I missed you at noon, Goby. I missed you more in the evening. O Goby, come up for rice, little one! O Goby, Goby, small and good . Come up to eat red and golden rice. O Goby, Goby. Are you mad at me, Goby? It took me so long today, because the buffalo had to graze far away. Ah, I gathered some water fern flowers just for you. My rice is the good rice from hard labor that I saved for you. O Goby, Goby. O God! A puddle of blood on the well’s surface. This morning, Goby still swam carefree. It’s heart-wrenching to see sweet Goby’s blood on the water. Why this disaster, O God! Where is my Goby? My heart is anguished.

O Tấm! Cry no more. Pick up and save Goby’s bones in a jar, then bury at the foot of your bed. Goby’s gone, but his bones remain. He’ll repay your kindness some day.

Buddha told me to find the bones, put in a jar and bury at the foot of my bed. But where can I find Goby’s bones?

Winter’s over; spring’s here. Winter has just passed. January arrives with a festival for the villagers to enjoy.

Xoan, Điều!

There you are, sister Tấm!

Here are your outfit and scarf.

How beautiful!

Friends are lending you the outfit. A pink dress of flying clouds, a yellow scarf of freshly woven fabric, and the chin strap for your hat will adorn you, someone beautiful inside and out. Who wouldn’t love your fragrant and beautifully prepared phoenix-shaped betel? Whoever eats this betel can’t forget the lovely and virtuous girl.

Greetings, ma’am! Please allow Tấm go to the festival with us.

Look! Don’t you people have anything to do besides coming to entice our people to a party and such. You form a band of young women, and even bring a dress and scarf here. My family doesn’t need borrow from anyone.

Tấm, return the outfit and scarf to them. It’s better to wear what you have. You’re not that desperate to borrow clothes. Your look is more important than the outfit at the festival.

Sister Tấm, just wear it!

She’d still look smeared all over even if wrapped in five-color cloud. What are those betels for?

It’s for the festival.

But who prepared them?

People from our village, of course.

Let me see. (You can’t.)

Cám! You shouldn’t do that. These are betels the villagers asked me to prepare.

You see, Mom!

That’s right. The village asked for your sister’s help because she’s skillful. All right, you two go first. We three will go later.

We’re going first, sister Tấm.

Respected Stepmother, I stayed up late last night to pound the rice, dice the water ferns and cook the bran. I filled up two vats of water and tidied up the house, inside and out.

Not yet! The house isn’t all that tidy. You were so rushed to go to the festival and mistakenly mixed the husked rice with the unhusked. There aren’t that many chores to do. I’d be blamed as cruel if I say too much.

I already finished it yesterday. The husked rice I put in the outer quarter, and the unhusked in the inner quarter.

Feigning innocence?

What is this, then? Who did this?

Who else takes care of the rice in this house but you?

Respected Stepmother, the festival opens today, even the homeless are having a good time. I’ve endured much hardship. You shouldn’t ill-treat and confine me on the festive day.

How dare you!

Ill-treating! Confining! You’re good at twisting your tongue. Who else takes care of the rice but you? You even argue back and forth.

This is for arguing.

I beg you, Stepmother.

Fine, separate the husked and unhusked grains, then you may go. The festival is open all day.

Separate all the husked and unhusked rice, then go, or else Xoan and Điều are waiting for you. Let’s leave for the festival, Mom!

We’re inferior to none at this festival, attires in bright colors of springtime.

They are so merciless as to mistreat me on this festive day. Looking at the rice, I’m heart-broken. I’ve suffered so much hardship. How could they be so wicked and mix white rice with yellow grains? I’ve folded fragrant betels from the Hamlet of Grace in a phoenix shape. But am I without grace? I’ve labored hard year-round. On a festival, I must still sit here separating grains. I might as well leave it here and go. Either way I’ve suffered 12 months a year. But people go to the festival in beautiful clothes, while I’m worn out and tattered. O Mom!

O Tấm! Cry no more, child. Get up and go to the festival! The wicked have mistreated you. Since you’re pure-hearted, the loving sparrows come to help you separate the grains. Now, go dig up the jar of Goby’s bones for me!

Who is the weaver? Who is the spinner? Who is the tailor? Who dyes the fabric? Where is the dress? Let Tấm have it quickly to wear! Lovely and graceful, Tấm is a kind and honest girl. She has endured hardship for years. This outfit is a gift for her.

So beautiful!

It’s already late, so ride the horse to the festival, sweet child!

Yes, Buddha.

Pretty birds, gentle wings. Thank you, sparrows, small and kind. You must have understood my plight. Your favor I’ll always remember. Pretty birds, help me separate the husked and unhusked rice. I’m going to the festival. With these shoes, I look even more graceful.

Let’s go to the festival, sisters!

Quickly, children! Our village’s festival this year is quite elaborate. Hurry up, children! Our village’s festival this year is so grand.

Attention! People from the right and left of the riverbank, men in the east and women in the west! Our village’s festival this year has commenced. There are many exciting entertainments. Come and watch the young men perform a drum dance. Attention, everyone!

It’s a drum dance! You did a very good job!

Very nice!

What’s so good about that noisy game! Let’s go to the riverbank to watch the boat racing contest.

Look at that! It’s incredible!

Attention, everyone! We’ve just watched the young men perform the drum dance. Now, we welcome the ribbon dance by the young women of Apricot Village.

Come out to dance, children!

But Elder, Tấm is still missing.

Tấm isn’t here? Go bring her here then.

Oh here she comes!

Your outfit is so beautiful, sister Tấm.

Greetings, Elder!

O Tấm, where did you go, leaving your friends waiting? I’ve also been very much expecting you. All right, go ahead and dance, children.

Yes, Elder.

Let’s dance, sister Tấm! Who causes the rice to ripen? The rice plants are laden with blossoms. I’m waiting for your return to help me harvest the rice. Whom am I longing for? My pining is three-, four-fold. My yearning is nine-, ten-fold.

Beautiful! Good job!

Our festival has much entertainment. Whoever wants to watch the boat racing contest can go to the riverbank now. Whoever stays can watch the archery contest.

O Elder, I’m going to the riverbank to watch boat racing.

Yes, you can go there first.

Yes, Elder.

See you later, sister Tấm.

There! The red circle is hung from the fir tree. Contestants have to consider the wind speed. Five square meters of red cloth for whoever makes it three times right in the red circle. Young men of the mountainous land, raise your bows to lift the festival’s spirit.

Shoot now!

May I try first, Elder?

Sure, go ahead, son!

Ah, he missed it.

Ah! He missed it too!

May I demonstrate my skill, Elder?

Certainly! Go ahead, son!

He didn’t make it!

You missed by a lot, son!

Any other lad who wants to give it a try? Go ahead, children.

Come in, son!
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