Aulacese (Vietnamese) Film: The Light of Truth - P1/4 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du. Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “The Light of Truth” chronicles the holy life of Shakyamuni Buddha, an enlightened Master in India in the 5th century BCE. His profound and sacred teachings, which include Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Noble Path, and Tripitaka, have brought salvation for innumerable souls. Buddhism, now propagated around the globe, is one of the major religions in the world.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the film “The Light of Truth,” screenplay written by Võ Đình Cường, directed by Triệu Hoàng Quân, and produced by Diệu Giác Temple. It will be presented in four episodes, with performances by Công Hậu as Prince Siddhartha, Tuyết Lan as Queen Maya, Việt Trinh as Princess Yasodhara, Hữu Nghĩa as King Bimbisàra, Nam Anh as King Suddhodana, Di Thảo as Queen Mahaprajapati, Thanh Tùng as Ananda, Thạch Ngà as Devadatta, Đồng Khởi as Chandaka, Thành Tân as Kaundinya, Vĩnh Lộc as Brahmin Yogi, and other artists.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. We wish you peace and joy in the eternal love of Heaven and Buddha. Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next week.

Let us go to the southern part of the Himalaya mountain where the Buddha was born. Buddha was born into the world to deliver sentient beings. O humanity, know you not O humanity, know you not An enlightened Master has come. He’s the Most Compassionate, the Most Wise. He’s the bright light shining in the world.

It’s incredible. Look at the somersaults! The somersaults are awesome! They’re really good!

Why are you people holding a festival?

Because Queen Maya has just given birth to a prince. (Really?)

Greetings, Yogi.

Why are you celebrating?

Because Prince Siddhartha has 32 blessed features.

Greetings, Elder. Why are the people of Kapilavastu celebrating?

Nine months ago, Queen Maya had a dream...

What an unusual dream! Where’s the royal maid?

Yes, Your Majesty. Did you have a good rest last night?

Thank you, dear. I had an unusual dream last night. Go get a dream interpreter here for me.

Yes, Your Majesty, I’ll go right away.

Long live Your Majesty the Queen! This humble person is honored to be the interpreter of your golden dreams.

Be at ease, respectful sir.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

Last night I dreamt of a six-tusked white elephant that flew down from the heavens and entered my side. This dream worries me very much. Can you tell what it means?

A hundred prostrations to Heaven’s will! Ten thousand bows to Earth’s will! Countless beings will be delivered. This is a sign of luck. The law of impermanence gives way to the miraculous Truth. A great, auspicious omen has come. The Queen will give birth to a prince whose talent and virtue are unsurpassed.

Oh, is it true? If so, I must inform the King about this.

Trust my words, Your Majesty. Please ask other good dream interpreters; they will all tell of the same revelation.

Praise the Almighty! My prediction has come true.

Devisakha, do you know what the sign is?

I wonder why this strange light appears. But if I’m not mistaken, this is definitely an auspicious sign.

Hear ye! Hear ye! Today, the King ordered a national celebration. The entire Kapilavastu will be decorated with lights. On the occasion of Queen Maya’s giving birth to a royal son, the King grants a general amnesty to all. Hear ye! Hear ye!

Be at ease! I’m grateful to the Almighty for bestowing upon me a son to continue the lineage and preserve our royal ancestral legacy.

I also thank my beloved queen for giving me a beautiful son. I’ve waited for this great happiness all this time.

Your Majesty, a yogi called Asita from the East wishes to present himself on this occasion of the Crown Prince’s birth.

Invite him in!

Order obeyed.

Respectful greetings, Your Majesty! This humble person, Asita, from the eastern Himalayas, has come here despite the long journey upon learning that an extraordinary person has been born. May I entreat Your Majesty for a glimpse of the Crown Prince?

All right. Bring the Crown Prince here!

Alas, the one and only in Heaven and on Earth indeed! Your Majesty, the Crown Prince is not an earthly man. He’s the most precious flower of humanity, which only blossoms once in tens of thousands of years.

Why are you crying, Yogi? Will calamity befall the royal family?

Your Majesty, I’m crying for my ill fate, as I wasn’t born in his time. Alas! I’m too old now and will soon die. I won’t be able to listen to the jeweled words of His Highness.

Is that so? Tell me everything about it.

Didn’t you notice, Your Majesty? The Crown Prince’s 32 blessed features foretell that he will be a great king who rules over the world. Your Majesty, the symbol on his chest proclaims him the lord of the three worlds, a true guide for all beings. What a great blessing for the royal family!

But, O Maya of great virtue! You’ll leave this mundane world in 7 days to ascend to the Trayastrimsàs Heaven for your merits are immense, and your earthly debts are finished. You’ll suffer no more.

Your Highness, why don’t you have your breakfast? If you don’t eat, how can you be healthy? I may end up being reprimanded by the King for not taking good care of you.

Respected Auntie, this fruit dish that you cooked with lamb meat, I can’t eat it.

It’s difficult to understand the Crown Prince. Since the Queen passed away 10 years ago, I’ve always been by his side. As he grows up, it becomes harder to understand his actions and thoughts.

Respected greetings, Teacher.

Greetings, Your Highness.

I’m ready this morning to receive your instruction.

Today, we continue to learn about the things a future king like you needs to know.

Please instruct me. Do you mean to teach about the virtues of a king? I’ve contemplated about this through my role as a Crown Prince. Respected Teacher, I’m very afraid to be of talent but lacking virtue. That’ll bring disaster.

Your Highness, from now on, please accept me as your student because my knowledge is limited, but your intelligence is infinite. I cannot teach you. Once a phoenix is fully grown, no other birds can soar higher than it. But, O son of the virtuous Maya, I admire you not only for your brilliance, but also for your respect for me.

O Teacher that I have always loved and esteemed, please don’t be contrary to the customs such that I’ll be a disrespectful student. For the purity of my heart, please come teach me whatever you wish . I promise never to mention that again. I still remember your advice: “Be contented to preserve your dignity. Talk less to avoid making mistakes. Watch your every word. Guard your thoughts like a soldier guards a citadel.”

Devadatta, you defeated me in the horse race yesterday. Are you racing again today?

I wouldn’t dare. Have I ever won a horse race over you? Yesterday, you stopped the horse by yourself, perhaps because your horse was unwell. Now, I want to try another type of entertainment.

Devadatta! I know what you intend to do. Stop, O the bloodthirsty one!

Your Highness, this animal was shot by royal cousin Devadatta. He sent me here to ask you to return her.

Although the royal cousin shot this bird, it’s I who rescued her. Royal cousin Devadatta is her enemy, I’m her benefactor. Therefore, I can’t give her to Devadatta. Go back and tell Devadatta: If he wants this animal back, come see me. (Yes.)

Bring me the horse! (Yes.)

This animal is from the sky; it doesn’t belong to anyone. Now that I shot her, she belongs to me.

No. I’ve said that no one has the right to inflict pain on an animal to force him or her into one’s possession. This animal is mine because I love her, and she’s grown fond of me. If you don’t agree, go see the royal officials. We’ll ask them to judge.

Fine! Let’s see who’s the reasonable one.

So you all understood what I meant. Court dismissed!

His Majesty’s decision is very wise! We must think thoroughly about this issue. You’re right!

The officials are here; let’s ask them to help determine.

Please stand up!

We await your instructions.

That’s what happened. So, what is your judgment?

Your Highness, what the royal cousin said was correct?

Yes, Devadatta shot down this bird, and I picked her up.

Birds in the sky, fish in the water, all belong to nature. Whoever catches them will enjoy them.

I agree with the Crown Prince: The bird befriends those who love her, not those who kill her.

You can’t speak in such general terms. Although animals have intelligence, they can’t communicate it; they have emotion but can’t express it. We, as humans, though small physically, can conquer all beings. Therefore, whoever shoots the bird owns the bird.

Respected officials, if life is truly valuable, then he who saves an animal’s life deserves to keep her more than he who wants to kill her. One is killing and destroying, the other is protecting and building. The bird should be given to the Crown Prince.

Thank you for taking your time to judge.

We’re taking leave now, Your Highness.

O beloved bird, it’s clear and sunny. The wind blows favorably this way. Find your way back to your flock. Take flight, child!

Go quickly! Get rid of the hungry, the poor, and the sick! Take them deep into the forest. Don’t let His Highness see them, understand? (Yes.)

Stop the carriage!

See that, son? From the green fields at the distant horizon to this forest, all belongs to us, father and son. Such a beautiful and peaceful kingdom will be yours later. You should go and check out everything.

Royal Father, after roaming the whole day, I’m so happy to see that life is content and peaceful everywhere.

Royal Father, actually, it’s not as completely restful as I thought. I saw a struggle for survival. Farmers’ hands are soiled and their feet muddy from making a living. All their strength in life is being exchanged for a handful of rice. And how fierce it is the way living beings destroy each other! Is that life, Royal Father?

Siddhartha, I personally accompany you on this tour so that you can gain vast understanding, but you’re not pleased. What am I to do? Let’s return to the court!

Attention, citizens of Kapilavastu! There is a beauty contest tonight at the King’s royal palace. Beautiful women and noble ladies everywhere are welcome to attend tonight’s contest to receive the noblest prize. Attention, everyone!

Do you remember what Yogi Asita said about the Crown Prince?

Yes, I remember very clearly, Your Majesty.

I hope that his first prophesy comes true, that is the Crown Prince will be a great king. But watch closely, it seems that he wants to abandon the precious throne, so I’m very worried.

Your Majesty, please don’t be concerned. I think only the flame of love can hold His Highness captive. A thousand copper wires won’t be able to stop his adventurous spirit. but one strand of hair from a beautiful woman is sometimes stronger than iron chains.

Welcome, Princess of Kanadikiet and Princess of Adana. Welcome, Princess of Kusinagara. Welcome, Princess of Sravastidhatha. And finally, welcome, Princess Yasodhara.

Do you have anything for me?

O the most beautiful of all beauties! All the precious gifts were given away. But will you accept this as a replacement?

I’ve caught the bait. Now we must find a way to entice that phoenix out of the layers of blue clouds.

Your Majesty, the envoy that went to King Suppabuddha to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage has returned.

Send them in to see me.

Order obeyed.

Long live Your Majesty.

Be at ease. Tell me the outcome quickly.

Your Majesty, King Suppabuddha very much appreciated your thoughtful consideration, but he said: “According to Sakya’s custom, anyone who wishes to have the Princess’ hand in marriage must go through martial arts contests, and only the most skillful candidate may marry the Princess.”

This custom doesn’t change even for my son, the Crown Prince?

King Suppabuddha stated very clearly: There is no exception even for His Highness Siddhartha, although he’s well aware that His Highness is a talented and virtuous man.

I’m deeply disappointed. I know my son’s skills in literature and philosophy are unsurpassed, but as for martial arts, how can he compete with the champions, like the archery skill of Devadatta the horse-riding skill of Anuttara, and the swordmanship of Nanda?

Your Majesty, I know His Highness is highly competent in martial arts because His Highness’s teacher is my friend. Your Majesty need not worry. His Highness is just being humble.

Today is the contest’s day. Why are you sad, Princess?

Don’t you understand how I feel? I’m getting closer to leaving my Royal Father, without knowing who among the contestants will be my lifelong companion. I secretly wish that the Almighty will bestow upon me the man I have dreamt of.

The first competition, Heavenly Equestrian Marathon, is among Royal Highnesses Devadatta, Nanda, Anuttara, and Crown Prince Siddhartha.

Bravo, Crown Prince! Bravo, Crown Prince! His Highness is remarkable!

In the Heavenly Equestrian Marathon contest, the winner is Crown Prince Siddhartha and his horse Kanthaka. Next is the archery competition. Welcome, Royal Highnesses Nanda and Anuttara to the arena! Next, welcome, Crown Prince and Royal Highness Devadatta!

Crown Prince and Royal Highness. His Highness is a great archer! He’s a marksman!

Where is Siddhartha’s arrow?

Is there a better bow for His Highness Siddhartha to use?

Your Majesty, there is a very heavy bow made of black copper in the Ximbahanu Shrine. I’m only afraid that His Highness can’t pull it.

Guards! Go quickly and bring back the bow for His Highness!

Wait! Let me try it first!

Too heavy! It’s very heavy!

Bravo! Something sounds like thunder!

That’s the Crown Prince Siddhartha’s shooting with the bow from the Ximbahanu Shrine. I saw two guards carrying it here earlier. It’s awesome!

Here is the outcome of the archery competition: The winner is His Highness Siddhartha.

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