Milk is Murder for Cows and Calves
The images
in the following program
are highly sensitive
and may be
as disturbing to viewers
as they were to us.
we have to show the truth
about cruelty to animals,
praying that you will help
to stop it.
This week on the Stop
Animal Cruelty series
we examine the truth
about milk.
The milk production
process is inherently
cruel as it subjugates
cows by hijacking
and abusing their
reproductive systems.
Assault, kidnap and
murder are just a few of
the heinous crimes
committed against
these sentient beings
in order to make this
product which is not fit
for human consumption.
Cows are very caring
and social animals;
they form close bonds
with each other and
are very protective
and loving parents.
Supreme Master Ching Hai
often speaks about
the intelligence
and spiritual qualities
of cows and other
animal co-inhabitants,
as in this excerpt from
an interview with her
by journalist
Louise Kings that
was published in the
December 16, 2009
edition of
the Irish Dog Journal.
Cows are compared to
dogs in intelligence.
Two signs of cows’
advanced mental abilities
are their understanding
of cause-and-effect
relationships and
their capacity to benefit
from social learning.
For example, if just one
cow in a herd is shocked
by an electrical fence,
the entire herd will learn
and know to avoid
that fence automatically.
regarding their sentience,
there are many touching
and incredible stories,
I’m sure you know
many of them.
We have heard of reports
about cows who bravely
escaped from slaughter
and ran away.
These incidents
of individual cows make
headlines in the news,
and people are touched
and cheer for them
when they are brought
to a sanctuary to live
the rest of their lives.
The dairy industry
is built
on unthinkable cruelty.
If humans were exploited
like dairy cows,
it would evoke
widespread public shock
and horror.
Thus, please imagine
yourself in the position
of these innocent animals
as we now describe
the ghastly milk
production process.
To produce milk,
a cow must first
be made pregnant.
At the tender age of
15 months a female
is dragged and mounted
on a rack specially
designed so that
the adolescent can be
forcibly impregnated.
A metal rod is forced
into her genitalia
causing extreme pain
and distress.
The same rod is then
used on other cows
and is often not cleaned
thus leading to the spread
of infections.
after giving birth, the calf
is stolen from the mother.
This is tremendously
upsetting to the pair
and both mother cow
and baby cry for days
on end in the futile hope
of being re-united.
The worst scream
I have ever heard, by far,
is a mother cow on
a dairy farm screaming
her lungs out day,
after day, after day
for her stolen baby
to be given back to her.
All the cows that
I’ve seen be abused there,
is nothing in comparison
to the cries heard
by a cow when she has
had her baby taken away.
I couldn’t sleep at night
because this one cow
wouldn’t leave the fence
of where she had
last seen her young,
whom would just wail
and wail all night long.
She wouldn’t even go
in the line to be milked;
she had to be forced
to move – so she didn’t
even want to eat.
She was doing what
any animal or human
would do if they had
their young taken away.
And why do they steal
babies from their moms?
Well, the dairy industry
can't have little babies
sucking up all that milk
that was meant for them.
Every time you
have a glass of cow milk,
some calf is not.
What is the fate of these
forcibly orphaned calves?
If they are female,
they are raised
to be dairy cows or veal.
If they are male,
they may be immediately
shot in the head,
bludgeoned to death
with a sledge hammer,
sent to a feedlot to be
fattened for slaughter
or become a veal calf.
Mercy for Animals
does a lot of undercover
investigations inside
of factory farms
and slaughterhouses.
One of our most
recent investigations
was in Texas
at a calf factory farm,
where we documented
workers killing calves
by bashing in their skulls
with pick axes
and hammers,
neglecting animals to die
without veterinary care,
grabbing them
and pulling them
by their ears, all sorts of
horrific cruelty.
That investigation
resulted in seven employees
being arrested on
grounds of animal cruelty,
the owner of the facility.
Confinement in a veal
crate is like being
in prison.
The prisoners are unable
to move to any
real degree and purposely
fed a milk substitute
that is nutritionally
inadequate to induce
anemia so that their flesh
is soft and white
when butchered.
The calves have
atrophied muscles
as a result and can barely
stand on their own.
After 12 to 23 weeks,
the babies are sent
for auction.
Too weak to walk,
they are goaded with
electric prods and then
sold to the highest bidder
who drags them off
to be murdered.
Meanwhile their mothers
are being constantly
milked by
vacuum pump machines.
These machines
are extremely barbaric
and cause untold pain
and suffering.
The devices exert
enormous pressure.
Just putting your finger
in such a machine would
cause it to become
red and painful
in less than a minute.
while being milked,
a cow will kick an average
of four times per minute
in distressed attempts
to remove
the vile apparatus
that torments her.
Many times the devices
are left on the cows’ teats
even after all the milk
has been sucked out,
thus resulting in even
more agony and anguish.
These machines often
cause horrible injuries
such as the destruction
of the teat canal
or immensely painful
conditions like mastitis,
an udder infection
experienced by
approximately half
of all dairy cows.
The pus from
the infection invariably
ends up in the milk.
Measurements of more
than 750 million pus cells
per liter have been
documented in milk
and milk by-products.
Cows that become
too sick or hurt
to continue giving milk
are simply sent for
slaughter and replaced.
I’ve seen blood
go in the milk production.
I can’t really
describe mastitis,
but it’s just horrible,
and it looks so sore.
The udders on cows,
that have,
with the dry weather,
not been looked after,
that have cracked and
are bleeding and
you see it in the pipes –
blood going down –
especially with the cow
that was force-milked.
They have blisters on
the insides of their legs
and a lot of them suffer
with arthritis because
they’re carrying this
excess amount of weight.
I mean, any woman
who’s been pregnant
and has breastfed,
she will know how heavy
her breasts have felt;
these cows have got it
10 times worse because
they’re being
overly milked, overfed,
for human consumption,
and these animals
are in pain.
Modern dairy cows
are artificially forced
to produce 10-times
the amount of milk they
would give naturally.
Repeatedly taking
such abnormally
high quantities of milk
from a cow causes
a calcium deficiency
in her, sometimes
leading to what is called
milk fever.
With this condition there
is a severe weakening
of the bones and thus
even a small slip or bump
results in bone fractures.
The cows spend 365 days
a year being milked
in narrow stalls
with barely enough room
to step forwards
or backwards.
They are made
to defecate and urinate
where they stand,
leading to an utterly
sordid environment.
Foot infections and other
dangerous conditions
are rampant among
the bovines as a result.
I’ve seen him dig poles
into where their hip bones,
where it dips
into their stomach,
jabbing it in.
With a metal pole
coming down and while
cows are being milked,
and we’ve had cows
falling over the bars
because there’s no room
to move and
when they fall over them,
I’ve seen them beaten.
He smacks their legs
when they’re walking out
and because when cows
get scared they poo a lot.
And the poo,
and obviously with
a lot of poo makes
the floor really slippy
and I’ve seen cows fall.
To make dairy cows
produce even more milk,
some are injected
with various chemicals
and hormones such as
recombinant bovine
growth hormone (rBGH)
which has been shown
to cause severe
bovine mastitis, the birth
of deformed calves,
and increased cancer risk
in humans who drink
rBGH-contaminated milk.
A hormone is made
to make something grow.
That’s what hormones do.
rBGH is an injection
that they give; it’s like
a stimulant so the cow
will create a 10 percent
increase of milk.
This has
a number of effects.
First of all, it raises
the IGF-1 in the milk,
which is a hormone that
causes breast cancer.
This is known.
A dairy cow is usually
forcibly inseminated
on a yearly basis and
the whole painful cycle
begins again until
she is totally spent
and exhausted and
is no longer able to
produce milk
at the obscene rates
demanded by the industry.
Typically after five years
of this torture and abuse
the cow will be killed.
The idea that we need
cow milk for calcium
in our diets is an utter lie;
there is no other animal
on this planet
that drinks the milk
of species
other than its own.
All animals,
including humans,
can get plenty of calcium
from plant- based sources.
This body of ours
has absolutely no need
for cow milk, like it has
absolutely no need
for giraffe milk, and
zebra milk, rhinoceros milk,
hippopotamus milk,
camel milk, deer milk,
antelope milk, goat milk,
horse milk, pig milk,
dog milk or cat milk.
The only milk that
we ever need is our own
mother's breast milk
when we’re born.
That's it.
And when we're done
weaning, we never need
a drop of milk ever again.
No species on this planet
needs milk after weaning.
Now if you want to
include some kind of milk
in your diet like I do,
it's finally time
for some good news.
There are seven vegan
milks on the market
right now: Soy milk,
rice milk, almond milk,
hemp milk, coconut milk,
oat milk, and hazelnut milk.
Please help stop
the vicious cruelty
we’ve seen today
by being vegan
and abstaining
from all animal products
including dairy.
The animals and your
body will truly thank you
for your noble decision
to eat only plant foods.
Our thanks Shira Lane,
Gary Yourofsky
and Nathan Runkle
for your devoted efforts
to protect
the defenseless bovines
and raising awareness
on the urgent need for
everyone to transition
to a plant-based lifestyle.
Also our appreciation
Mippy Valentine for
sharing your experiences
of working on
a dairy farm with us.
For more information
on cruelty
in the dairy industry,
please visit
the following websites:
Animals Deserve
Absolute Protection
Today and Tomorrow
Got the facts on Milk?
Mercy For Animals
Thank you for
your company today on
Stop Animal Cruelty.
Through God’s grace
may all beings live
in eternal harmony.
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