Hallo, energetic viewers,
and welcome to
Healthy Living.
On this week’s program
we’ll find out about
the benefits of yoga, one of
the world’s most ancient
health-and-fitness practices.
We will hear the
perspectives of a number
of long-time practitioners
namely, Rainbeau Mars,
a respected yogini,
Yogi Dr. Malik,
a world-renowned
yoga expert,
author of books such as
The fusion of art,
science and spirituality”
and magazine editor
of YOGA Magazine
and Mind, Body, Spirit
magazine, Yogi Cameron,
an Ayurveda and
yoga therapist and author
of “The Guru in You”
and Rita Chohan,
a Vinyasa Flow
yoga instructor.
“Yoga” is a Sanskrit word
meaning “union”
or “yoke,” and its goal is
to unify and balance
body, mind and spirit, not
simply through exercise,
but through an
all-encompassing change
in lifestyle.
Thus many yoga classes
include lessons in diet,
meditation and spirituality.
In recent years, yoga
has become increasingly
popular around the world.
When we started
YOGA Magazine
around 10 years back,
we did the research.
And at that time
in America, only around
12 to 13-million people
used to practice yoga.
And the last year’s research
was that it had gone to
around 25 million now.
So in 10 years, from
13 million to 25 million
is basically a huge increase
in the yoga community.
Yoga has been practiced
for thousands of years.
In fact, 7,000-year-old
artifacts of deities
in various yoga postures
have been discovered
in South Asia’s
Indus Valley region.
As Yogi Dr. Malik
observes, for yoga
to have withstood
the tests of time, it truly
must have tremendous
inherent benefits.
If it can survive now
basically 7,000 years,
it means
the science is working
and the second thing is
it’s increasing.
It’s growing.
What are some
of the key ways in which
yoga enhances health?
According to
Dr. Paul Galbraith,
author of
“Reversing Ageing,”
yoga is one of the most
powerful tools available
for staying young.
Indeed, Yogi Dr. Malik
says some of
its inverted postures
such as the headstand are
especially conducive to
delaying the ageing process.
Suppose if you take
the example of your heart,
it doesn’t take
any holidays or any rest,
not even for five minutes.
After 30 or 40 years
of constant beating
without any rest,
the pressure goes
a bit low slightly
and then the heart
can’t basically
pump the blood well to
your head and your eyes.
What happens is
you start losing your hair.
Your eyesight is affected
and you can’t hear things
Your hair goes gray.
You can get wrinkles
on your face.
So here yoga comes
to help you.
And yoga says
if you do any exercise
like the headstand,
which is basically
the head down,
so what happens then
is the blood circulation
goes into your body
and your face
and every tiny nerve.
So those nerves get food
and your eyesight is
not going to be affected.
In recent years, research
on the effects of yoga
has found
that the practice may help
to relieve back pain,
multiple sclerosis
and insomnia.
Other studies show that
yoga assists in reducing
or overcoming cancer,
heart disease
and tuberculosis
and enhances
the immune system.
In terms of physical fitness,
it increases
one’s flexibility, strength
and stamina.
Yoga is relaxing, fun,
and can be practiced
by people of any age,
including seniors
and children.
Children from two to five,
that's one group
that I teach.
And then there's
another age range
from six to 11 years old.
I've been teaching them
some yoga poses
and they love it.
They're really enthusiastic
and children are fearless.
They don't really have
a lot of barriers.
They don't have
a lot of embarrassment
or anything like that.
So they're really up for
doing any yoga poses.
Yoga is also
highly effective in
reducing or eliminating
stress-related ailments
such as migraine
headaches, ulcers and
Irritable-Bowel Syndrome.
In fact, according to
Dr. Timothy McCall,
a board-certified specialist
in internal medicine
and Medical Editor
of Yoga Journal,
“Yoga is arguably
the most comprehensive
approach to fighting
stress ever invented.”
I was going through
a bit of a stressful time,
and somebody
a (yoga) class.
And I went to
a (yoga) class
and I just found
it was amazing.
So really,
from that first experience,
it was very life-changing
for me.
And ever since then
I was hooked.
And the people
who do yoga regularly
for a few years, you can see
they’re calm people.
They don’t get angry.
They won’t get affected
by stress and there’s
no stress in their body.
They’re always
peaceful people
and loving people.
In addition to
being a powerful and
effective form of exercise,
yoga is also a great aid
in purifying the mind
and body.
Many students report
that after practicing yoga
for a time,
they automatically
drop harmful habits,
such as drinking alcohol
and smoking cigarettes.
That’s like my quote
of this year,
“Get on the [yoga] mat,
and it will all come.”
You’re not
going to stop smoking if
you don’t get on the mat.
But you get on the mat
and you see what’s there.
You think
everything is going great
until you get on the mat
and you start to breathe
and you start
to move your body
and you’re like, “Wow,
what is all this stuff?”
It just doesn’t seem,
“Why do all the work?”
So, you get on the mat
and you end up having
a really clear perspective
of how all the other things
in your life
are affecting you -
what you eat,
what you thought,
how you are
in your relationships,
all of that, and then
you change your life.
The cigarettes fall away.
An essential component
of every yoga class
is teaching students
to lengthen and deepen
their breathing.
This not only relaxes
mind and body,
but also improves
stamina and energy.
Students are encouraged
to breathe deeply
while flowing through
or holding postures.
Yogi Cameron illustrates
how this is done.
Watch your breath.
Are you breathing?
Is the stomach coming out?
Is the chest coming out?
If the stomach
doesn’t move, you’re
only breathing here.
If you’re only breathing
here, it’s very shallow.
Take in a few breaths.
I should
be able to breathe
maybe six times a minute
or five times, six times,
seven times a minute.
That’s a good.
Most people are breathing
25 times a minute.
One of the pillars
of yoga philosophy
is “ahimsa,” which means
practicing non-violence
toward ourselves
and others.
Thus, diet plays
an important part
in yoga practice, and
some yoga instructors
encourage their students
to adopt
a plant-based lifestyle.
I'm vegan, mainly because
I follow one of the main
yogic principles
by Patanjali,
non-harming, ahimsa.
I don't believe in
eating animals.
I'll encourage you
to eat vegetarian
just because I think
it is the healthier option
for yogis.
And there are other reasons
why the veg diet is
in harmony with yoga.
It took me probably
five or six years to
understand if I eat meat,
if I eat anything
which is non-vegetarian,
it makes my body
a bit more stiff.
So if you eat vegetables,
they make your body
more flexible.
It’s my own experience
that if you eat meat
you get a lot of diseases
from one disease,
to arthritis,
to another disease,
another disease.
But vegetables
keep you very fit and
they keep you very healthy.
And yogis I have seen
in India and Kashmir
and anywhere I met them,
even a few are
100 years old
and they're good, healthy.
They are
basically vegetarian.
So, personally,
I advocate that
we should be vegetarian.
So, apart from that,
if you eat vegetables,
you'll always feel happy.
You always feel grounded
and you always feel nice
as well.
Yoga helps practitioners
make progress physically,
mentally and spiritually,
which is like
creating ripples in a pond,
spreading out
in ever-widening circles,
and profoundly affecting
their day-to-day lives.
It's quite hard
to put into words
what that experience
has been like.
But it's been quite,
I think the best word is,
it’s very liberating.
It's been quite liberating
for me.
I tend to be
quite emotionally-driven.
So it's given me
that freedom to be
a bit more balanced
throughout my life.
There is something
about the practice
when applied first
that helps teach your
body proper alignment
and awareness
so you can avoid injury.
It improves your focus,
your co-ordination
and your balance.
So therefore,
you do those things and
then you’re going to do
whatever you do better.
And as far as
the many celebrities
that I have a privilege
to spend time with,
I’ve also heard
things like, “It’s help me
become a better bassist,”
“It’s helped me
be a better actor,
It’s help me understand
my vehicle more.”
So, when you go inside
and you use
the tools of ra’yoKa
to open yourself up,
then you do your job. And
you’re going to enhance,
you’re going to just do
whatever you do better.
Yoga makes you shine.
So, I’ve personally seen
the people
who practice yoga,
and you see
their faces are glowing.
It's very difficult
for everybody
to find the time
to go to a local gym
and do exercise over there,
and those exercises
can keep you fit,
but they can't
keep you healthy.
And yoga
keeps you healthy as well.
And if you are basically
healthy, then your brain
works more properly.
And if your brain
works more properly,
you're more successful
in your daily life as well.
So, I'll just say,
“Please, do yoga.”
Even it can make you
wealthy as well.
Because if your mind
and your cells
are working properly,
your body system
is working properly,
your immune system
is working properly,
you'll make money too.
So that’s when
yoga makes you shine.
Many thanks
Rainbeau Mars,
Yogi Cameron,
Yogi Dr. Malik,
Rita Chohan and others
who share their wisdom
and knowledge of yoga
with the world.
Through your
caring efforts,
you bring much health,
joy and peace into
the lives of your students,
and thus help elevate
the communities you serve.
we sincerely appreciate
your acting as role models
of compassionate living.
For more information
on the yogis and yoginis
featured on
today’s program,
please visit
the following websites:
Yogi Cameron
Rita Chohan
Yogi Dr. Malik
Rainbeau Mars
Books and DVDs
by Yogi Cameron,
Yogi Dr. Malik
and Rainbeau Mars
are available at
their respective websites.
Thank you
for your presence today
on Healthy Living.
May we all be blessed
with vibrant health
and long, peaceful lives.