Study finds that fish consumption plays no role in preventing heart failure - 14 Oct 2009  
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This was the conclusion of a Dutch study that tracked more than 5,000 individuals over an 11-year period. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring, with their Omega-3 oils, has long been credited for improving heart health. However, study lead Dr Marianne Geleinjse of Wageningen University in the Netherlands stated that there was no difference in the risk of heart failure between those who ate fish and those who didn’t. In addition, the practice of fish farming is known to be highly polluting and detrimental to marine biodiversity, along with the fact that Omega-3 oils are now widely available from plant-based sources.

Dr. Geleinjse and team, many thanks for your work and its clarifying facts about fish. May people everywhere awaken to the manifold benefits of the compassionate veg diet.


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