VEG NEWS - Veganmania - 20 Oct 2010  
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In veg news, the delights of the plant-based diet are highlighted in Innsbruck, Austria. Veganmania, a fun-filled festival held in several Austrian cities, featured delectable plant-based foods, cruelty-free fashions, and information about animal rights and the compassionate lifestyle. Loving Hut am Klopeiner See was among the veg restaurants serving delicious fare at the gathering. Loving Hut is a global family of vegan restaurants inspired by Supreme Master Ching Hai, offering flavorful and affordable plant-based meals for the increasing number of people choosing the diet of kindness.

Veganmania visitor

Supreme Master Television correspondent

Microphone cover made of veggie fur

(In English)
Supreme Master TV correspondent (f): How does it taste for you?

Visitor 1 (m): This tastes beautiful.

Visitor 2 (f): We love it. It tastes really, really good.

Supreme Master TV correspondent (f): If the food tastes like this, and is vegan, would you change your diet to vegan?

Visitor 2 (f): Yes, of course we would.

Visitor 1 (m): Absolutely. It tastes very nice.

Visitor 1&2 (couple): Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

ANCHOR: The vegan boutique Muso Koroni displayed benevolent clothing styles and products.

Jasmin Schiester, vegan
Manager, Muso Koroni
Vegan boutique

(In German)

Jasmin Schiester (f): We are here at Veganmania in Innsbruck to show people that as a vegan you can also be trendy and fashionable.Be vegan, because it’s environmentally conscientious and you save the planet.

Anchor: A member of The Animal-Way described the organization’s efforts to protect our fellow beings.

Member, The Animal-Way

(In German)

Member of The Animal-Way (m): We use this vegan summer festival here to inform people, to collect signatures for our memorial against long-distance animal transportations, that we built in Geilsdorf, Styria. There we want to show how many people there are already against this kind of cruelty to animals and we want express their voices by means of our memorial.

Bravo, Veganmania and participants, for raising awareness about the planet-saving and peace-building way of living. May our caring choices quickly help to usher in an age where all can thrive in happiness and harmony.
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