Australia’s 60 Minutes exposes tragic lives of pigs – 27 Nov 2009  
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Australias 60 Minutes exposes tragic lives of pigs.



The nationally televised news program recently broadcast undercover footage from the animal welfare group Animals Australia that revealed the depths of cruelty involved in eating hams and other pork products.


Similar footage was also obtained by Mercy for Animals at a factory farm in Pennsylvania, USA. Even though pigs are known to be both intelligent and sensitive to their surroundings, the animals were kept in horrendous and filthy conditions, with mothers forced to give birth and feed their babies in dark, tiny gestation crates in which  they could barely move. In addition, baby pigs were shown being dangled by their ears and legs, painfully branded with tattoos, and castrated by bare-handed employees with dull knives and scissors. Moreover, piglets considered too small or who had become injured were dumped one on top of another in gas chambers where they were meant to suffocate in carbon dioxide fumes. However, some of the babies were found hours later, breathing laboriously but still alive.


These torturous and inhumane practices have raised the concern of the veterinary experts, the media and animal welfare groups, who feel that peoples choices should be better informed.


We join in support and send our earnest thanks, Animals Australia, Mercy for Animals, Australias 60 Minutes and all other media channels for bringing these necessary and tragic truths to the public. With growing awareness of how meat is produced, may everyone open their hearts to the compassionate, wholesome and complete plant-based diet.




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