Scotland removes foie gras from government menu - 30 Nov 2009  
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Following a campaign by Scottish charity Advocates for Animals and Parliament Member Irene Oldfather, the leader of the Scottish National Party Alex Salmond has ordered that foie gras be removed from the menu of all government functions, including guest VIP dinners.

The production and manufacture of foie gras has already been banned in Scotland, due to its immensely inhumane process of force-feeding ducks and geese to unnaturally enlarge their livers.
Parliament Member Irene Oldfather said, “Visitors to Scotland should not be given food that is produced by methods so cruel that they would be illegal in our country.”

Our heartfelt applause, Parliament Member Oldfather, Advocates for Animals and the people of Scotland for extending your humanity one step further on behalf of our treasured animal co-inhabitants.

May God bless Scotland with many more such caring decisions that help ensure our health and indeed our future.
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