Cloned animals now in food supply – 5 Dec 2009  
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Cloned animals now in food supply.



Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2008, some cattle farmers are now cloning the so-called "most productive livestock" and selling the meat along with the cloned offspring.


However, according to a survey conducted by the International Food Information Council, 50% of Americans do not favor animal cloning, with many saying they would not knowingly buy meat, milk or eggs from the offspring of cloned animals. Unfortunately, no labeling for cloned products is required.


Moreover, the cloning process itself is still fraught with problems, including animals that are euthanized due to birth defects and the occurrence of Large Offspring syndrome, in which the unborn baby cow grows too rapidly inside the surrogate mother.


Organizations expressing caution about these and other adverse cloning effects include the US Center for Food Safety, with Policy Analyst Jaydee Hanson saying, We don't think that cloning is a technology that's ready yet, and we certainly don't think it's ready to be on your plate. 


Our thanks, Policy Analyst Hanson, US Center for Food Safety, and other organizations and citizens for your concerned voice regarding clonings interference with divine creation. Blessed be the natural lives of animals everywhere as we refrain from meat and dairy consumption altogether, turning instead to the colorful fruits and vegetables of the farmers' blessed fields.




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