Anthrax linked to both meat and contact with animal hide - 7 Jan 2010  
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A woman in the USA was recently diagnosed with a rare form of gastrointestinal anthrax. Public health officials who investigated the case believe she may have contracted the disease from a drum made of animal hide, which released anthrax spores into the air that she then inhaled while drumming.

Two other recent cases of anthrax in the US also involved drums covered with animal hides, with the pathogens having been breathed in or entered through the skin. Anthrax, which afflicts herbivorous animals such as livestock and is often fatal, is caused in humans by contact with infected animal parts and by consumption of infected meat.

Our appreciation, US health officials for your diligent efforts to find the source of this illness and thus protect the vulnerable. May we cease the use of animal products in all forms to enjoy the highest degree of vitality and peace of mind.
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