Mexico promotes healthy living with 20 plant-based cafeterias - 4 Jul 2011  
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Mr. Martí Batres Guadarrama, Mexico City’s Secretary of Social Development, announced the opening of the plant-based, reasonably priced dining facilities in the capital city.

By the end of 2011, each of the city’s 16 municipalities will feature at least one of the veg eateries. The cafeteria in Iztapalapa has already opened its doors to the public, offering tasty meat-free Mexican food.

Bravo, Mexico City! Also, our many thanks, Secretary of Social Development Mr. Martí Batres Guadarrama, for your support of this wonderful step towards sustainable living. May the new cafeterias be a resounding success as your warm-hearted citizens transition to the Earth-saving vegan diet.,

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