Toronto’s Be Veg campaign gets subway riders thinking - 14 Dec 2011  
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As part of a grassroots campaign whose one thousand posters represents a quadrupling of previous efforts, Canadians riding the subways in the major city of Toronto are being asked the question, “Why love one but eat the other?”

With the posters depicting animals like dogs that are considered pets on one side, with others such as pigs that some consume, the subway riders are being called to re-think the notion of animals that they would call “family” and those they would identify as “food.”

They are also provided with information that highlights the similarities between the two categories of animals as well as the shocking cruelty suffered by those being raised for food.

Toronto Citizen (F) : It captured my attention, why love one and eat the other? I have a dog and I love animals so I’ve been thinking. Okay, and then I started reading and honestly it choked me up, it brought me to tears a little bit because I’m also a mother so I have a little girl. I was reading the one about the cow and how when the babies are taken away, they moan for their children for some time. Honestly, it was just really shocking how they’re treated.

Interviewer (F): So you’ve gone veg?

Toronto Citizen (F) :Yeah, yeah. Completely.

Kimberly Carroll (F): So each week, this ad series will be viewed 5.7 million times and Toronto subway riders are definitely reacting!

The 2011 “Be Veg” campaign, which was originally conceived by television host Kimberly Carroll and University of Toronto finance professor Lisa Kramer, now has the support of organizations such as the US-based Mercy for Animals, Canadians for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and the Toronto Vegetarian Association.

Hats off, Ms. Kimberly Carroll, Professor Lisa Kramer and all others involved for your valued efforts to raise awareness and encourage a cruelty-free lifestyle. May more and more people choose compassion and create a kinder world for humans and animals alike.
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