Association News - Massachusetts, United States vegetarian advocacy group honors Loving Hut Worcester - 24 Feb 2011  
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In The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association News from the United States… Massachusetts, United States vegetarian advocacy group honors Loving Hut Worcester. VegWorcester of Worcester, Massachusetts awarded Loving Hut with a certificate of appreciation for its active support over the past year. Interviews in English; Loving Hut got award

ANCHOR: Loving Hut is an international family of restaurants, which upholds the caring principles encouraged by Supreme Master Ching Hai in making affordable, wholesome, and scrumptious cruelty-free meals easily available.

Customer (f): This is one of my favorite restaurants in Worcester. I love it. It’s great.

Customer (f): I’m really enjoying eating this vegetarian food with a clean conscience.

Customer (f): It’s good. It’s delicious.

ANCHOR: Mr. Drew Wilson, the founder of VegWorcester, spoke of how Loving Hut Worcester has assisted his non-profit organization.

Drew Wilson (m): On the second Saturday of the month, Loving Hut offers an all-you-can-eat buffet and donates 10% of the proceeds to our organization, VegWorcester. We use the money to organize an annual vegetarian festival. We reserve tables at community events so we can give out information about factory farming and the animal cruelty inherent in it and the ecological consequences of factory farming. So, this money has really helped us to expand our effort and expand our organization, too.

ANCHOR: Congratulations, Loving Hut Worcester, on this recognition. Our sincere appreciation, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for your devotion to a compassionate world for all beings, a noble ideal that is at the heart of each Loving Hut around the globe. Also our many thanks, VegWorcester and Mr. Drew Wilson, for your dedicated work in promoting the Earth-saving diet of kindness.
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