French deputies call for a weekly meat-free day - 9 Jul 2010  
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French National Assembly members Yves Cochet, Geneviève Gaillard, Gérard Bapt, and François Grosdidier have written to National Assembly President Bernard Accoyer with a proposal that restaurants serving the National Assembly serve one day of vegetarian meals per week.

In requesting the vegetarian day or at least vegetarian menus, the deputies cited the over-consumption of meat and its impact on health and the environment.

They point out that in France, livestock for meat production has been cited as accounting for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions. Meanwhile, reducing saturated fat and cholesterol by 30%, substances that are only derived from animal-based foods, would decrease the risk of heart disease by 15%.

In their proposal, the deputies also cited a United Nations report published June 1, 2010 that points to meat consumption as the number one cause of environmental degradation.

We salute your wise and courageous leadership, Deputies Cochet, Gaillard, Bapt and Grosdidier. May your forward-thinking proposal result in an awakening that ultimately halts the cruel and health damaging practice of livestock raising as everyone realizes the myriad benefits of humane, meat-free fare.

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