An Austrian city establishes the country’s first weekly Veggie Day - 05 Feb 2011  
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In veg news, an Austrian city establishes the country’s first weekly Veggie Day. Now on every Thursday, participating restaurants in Gloggnitz are offering a vegetarian menu for their customers. Gloggnitz is a small picturesque town in eastern Austria and an important travel junction in the region. The veg campaign was initiated by the Austrian Green Party; The Honorable Dr. Madeleine Petrovic, Club President of the Green Party of Lower Austria and President of the Vienna Animal Protection Society; and The Honorable Councilor Karin Schieraus, a Member of the Gloggnitz City Council and a member of the Green Party.

(In German)
The Honorable Councilor Karin Schieraus (f):
The vegetarian diet certainly protects the climate. The ecological footprint of vegetarians is much less than that of meat eaters.

(In English)
The Honorable Councilor Karin Schieraus (f):
Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

ANCHOR: The Honorable Mayor Irene Gölles of Gloggnitz spoke in support of Veggie Day.

(In German)
The Honorable Mayor Irene Gölles (f):
As the mayor, I am certainly very proud that Gloggnitz can make an impact as a positive example, with the establishment of this Veggie Day. And I also hope this action will give an impetus to think again about the health-related, the environmental and ethical aspects of excessive meat consumption.

(In English)
The Honorable Mayor Irene Gölles (f):
Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

ANCHOR: There are nine restaurants in Gloggnitz serving plant-based options every Thursday. Information about the health and environmental benefits of the veg diet is printed on the menu cards.

(In German)
SMTV correspondent (f):
What are the reactions of the guests, who first hear about the Veggie Day in the restaurant?

(In German)
Sonja Weninger (f):
The reactions are throughout positive. So there are rather more guests deciding to eat vegetarian, in lieu of eating meat.

(In English)
Sonja Weninger (f):
Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

ANCHOR: Bravo Gloggnitz! And many thanks Austrian Green Party, The Honorable Dr. Madeleine Petrovic and The Honorable Councilor Karin Schieraus, for starting this planet-helping endeavor. Also our respectful appreciation, The Honorable Mayor Irene Gölles, for your support. May every day soon be an Earth-saving veggie day.,%2BWTV%2BPresident%26start%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26prmd%3Divnso
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