Korean Democratic Labor Party leader calls for switch to plant-based diet   
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Widely admired for his integrity and commitment to agriculture, food safety and public health, South Korean Senator and head of the Democratic Labor Party, Gang Gi-Gap also practices a vegetarian lifestyle daily as much as possible. Supreme Master Television had the chance to speak with Senator Gang about his reasons for choosing a plant-centered diet.

Gang Gi-Gap – Senator, Head of Democratic Labor Party in South Korea (M): As I’ve continued eating vegetarian for a long time, I’ve realized that a vegetarian life is the environment-friendly and eco-friendly diet. If we go vegetarian and eat foods containing a lot of green, life-sustaining elements, we will have more abundant vitality.

VOICE: Also compelling to Senator Gang is the need to ease the global food crisis as well as the moral duty to protect and amicably co-exist with other life forms such as the animals. The former vegetable farmer further discussed the higher cost of animal farming on global warming.

Senator Gang Gi-Gap (M): In the case of the meat diet, a comparatively great deal of CO2 gas is generated from animal raising as well as the excretions of animals, and this amount is extremely serious. So, at least starting now, we humans need to make a great change in our lives. And I think the political parties should reflect on this and be enlightened first.

VOICE: We applaud Senator Gang for his genuine concern for co-citizens as well as the animals and the Earth. May all of society share the farmer’s natural love and nurturing of life, to ensure our own survival and the vitality of our planetary home. 

Related Link
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